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Monday 11 June 2012

Coronation Street Weekly Update - November 28 2005

Corrie weekly updates from 1995, 17 years in 17 e-books
All the wit and warmth of Weatherfield, none of the waffle
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Sarah the sultry teenage temptress leads Jason astray this week and Violet’s heart breaks when she finds out the news. She’s even more unhappy when she finds out that Sean and Eileen knew Jason had been seeing Sarah behind her back, under her nose and upstairs in her bedroom.  David winds up Bethany and tells her Jason’s going to be her new dad. Bethany, being a little kid who says inappropriate things, blurts this news to Gail who has a word or two with her wayward young daughter. And in the hair salon Audrey takes her granddaughter to one side for a talk, young ladeh, when Betty comes in for a wash, blow and some gossip about bar colleague Violet.  Jason’s torn and in tears over hurting Violet but his groin thrusts him ever forward towards perky Miss Platt.  He tells Violet he’s sorry and asks for another chance and when she calls him a hypocrite he gets a puzzled look on his face and searches for a dictionary.

Sunita’s brother Jayesh pays Dev a visit in the shop. He tells him what he thinks of the abominable (and there’s a word I’ve never used in an update before) way he’s treated his sister before punching him in the biscuits. “Go near her again and I will kill you, I promise” he tells the sorry shopkeeper. Sunita takes refuge in the back room of the Rovers with Shelley and Violet, a trio of troubled women, all having been disappointed by feckless, lying, cheating, good for nothing fellas.

Tracy launches a campaign of trouble towards Claire. First off, she refuses to pay the cab fare, and Claire does her best to be polite to her customer but secretly seethes.  Clare’s concerned about Amy’s bad cough and while Tracy is happy to ignore her kid’s cough, Deirdre takes it seriously and takes the bairn to th’ospital where she’s pronounced fine.  But Tracy’s had enough of care-bear Claire and winds her up in the Rovers until Claire chucks her drink at her, soaking Tracy’s t-shirt. “Ooh, white top, black bra. Very classy.” sneers Clare.  But it doesn’t end there.  Nathan and Ashley go training in the boxing ring and argue about the women in their lives. Nathan defends Tracy and Ashley sticks up for Clare but Nathan loses his cool and knocks Ashley out cold.  Ashley’s rushed to the hospickle where he could lose the sight in his eye. When Nathan takes him some grapes Ashley tells him he doesn’t hold a grudge and says it was an accident. Fred and Clare are more concerned and hold Nathan – and Tracy – responsible for it all.

Cilla’s gutted that she didn’t pull a fella while on honeymoon with Yana. She reckons that now she’s married it puts fellas off and her sparkle has gone.  Meanwhile, Yana’s enjoying consensual texts with a posse of men she met while they were away and mooches over Billy from Market Harborough: “He had a look of Mike Nolan from Bucks Fizz”.  When Fiz tells Cilla that Les is her only supply of marital connubials from now on, Cilla reckons she’ll have to do something to keep it that way.  She cooks up a special meal – tomato soup, tuna, peas (yes, on the same plate) – and tells Les she’d like to get wed, legally this time.  Ey up, and as luck would have it, there’s a cancellation at the registry office the very next day.  Les dons his snakeskin pulling jacket, grabs Cilla from the chippy and off they go and get wed. The Battersby-Brown’s return to the street legally married and Les buys him and Chesney a cake to celebrate as Cilla returns to work at Wong’s with a resigned married sigh.

Fiz has had enough of Molly molly-coddling her Kirkeh and punches her in the Rovers. What is it this week with people hitting each other? There must have been something in the beer at the pub.  Kirk doesn’t know what to do – there’s only one thing he does know for sure and that is he’s excited ‘cos it’s nearly Christmas (me too). But when he secretly overhears Fiz apologising to Molly he realises it’s Fiz that he loves and decides to get back together with her. Ah bless. And about time too.

It’s Frankie and Danny’s anniversary and he sends her a bouquet of flowers followed by a blimp flying from the factory roof.  With Jamie and Carol out of the way he calls in to see his missus and asks her to forgive him. He tells her she’s the only girl for him: “You’re the only girl for me, Frankie” and that he still loves her: “I still loves yer, Frankie”.  Frankie wobbles, you can tell, and there’s tears in her eyes. Well, a flying blimp can do that to a girl. But just as she’s about to get all sentimental, in walk Carol and Jamie who throws his dad out on his ‘arris before punching him down on the cobbles (see what I mean, what’s all this aggression this week about then?). 

And finally this week, it’s the Weatherfield Traders Ball this coming Friday night. Diggory needs a date and has to bribe Liz by paying  her time and a half to accompany him there.  Fred also needs a lady friend to take wi’him and is both astounded and pleased with Bev agrees to go along.

And that’s just about that for this week.

 Glenda Young , writer of Coronation Street Weekly Updates for the internet since 1995.

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