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Monday 11 June 2012

Coronation Street Weekly Update - Sep 19 2005

Corrie weekly updates from 1995, 17 years in 17 e-books
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Coronation Street Weekly Updates for the internet since 1995. 

Glenda was on holiday. This week's update written by K Richard Whitbread.

Molly is having fun at Fiz's expense - she keeps trying to convince Fiz  that Kirk is about to swap his affections between the girls and flirts  with him.  Now remember Kirk has eaten peas larger than his brain so  either he will fall for the flirting and Molly will gain revenge for  Fiz's bullying - or perhaps she won't.  Fiz decides that the best way of  keeping Kirk loyal is plenty of rumpy-pumpy!  Which given his brain  power is probably the best approach!  After all if he is bed with Kirk  he cannot even speak to Molly.

Anyway Norris's search for a new job steps up notch this week with an  interview, sadly it turns out that the interviewer is his step-son -  Neville, son of ex-wife Angela.  Neville humiliates Dorris by reminding  him of his treatment of his step son and the forgotten birthday presents  (right on Dorris - he deserved it on the basis of this performance) and  terminates the interview by offering Dorris an executive position in  charge of mobile hot liquid refreshments which is refused - tea boy!

However this leads onto the arrival in the Kabin of - yes - Angela  herself, obviously resurrected from the dead and indeed fresh from  burying her sixth husband.  She demands that Norris joins her for lunch  and despite warnings from Rita (one husband dying automatically  generates a vacancy which requires filling immediately) that she is  Angela he goes believing Angela's story that she had changed.  Over  lunch things start well until Angela has a glass or six of red wine and  the overbearing demanding woman appears demanding that Norris eats the  dessert for which she has paid.  After all she wants to name the day.  Norris realises that nothing has changed and departs - but only just in  time with the usual adroit timing we expect from Norris.

Keith is causing mayhem.  He has acquired a pig to keep in the back  garden (no I don't think it is legal either these days) and the pig  keeps escaping into Gail's garden.  She reckons the pig is dangerous but  no doubt it will bring fun and laughter to the entire Street.

The cab office have a falling out.  Lloyd (Craig Charles doing a great  job) decides that the drivers should have their own call signs and Les  decides he is Alpha male, Lloyd is Lone Wolf etc.  Steve is not keen so  they decide to have a vote - Steve gets cornered into looking after Amy  and the drivers go out for a few drinks and the call signs are agreed.  However it all very wrong when Les decides to have a go at Eileen who is  then used by Steve to get his own way.  He pretends to Lloyd that she is  on strike and will not answer the phones.  Eileen plays along and she  ends up with Lloyd on his knees in the Rovers begging her to return to  the switch.  Needless to say she complies.  (And will Lloyd and Eileen  soon be an item?).

Martin the football mascot is issued with a challenge from a competitor  mascot (the previous year the two mascots were given red cards).  More  fun and hilarity no doubt, which is more than can be said for the show  which must not be named - the last time I flicked past the channel two  harpies were arguing over a man!

Liz as often seems to be the case has a new man - Barry.  Turns out  Barry is married - sadly the wife is thick and paints "SLAG" all over  Bev's front door.  All we see initially is a car watching the flats -  Barry however is humiliated even more the following morning when the  wife starts shouting at Bev about Barry - Liz throws him out of her flat  as he protests that the marriage is over - as his wife observes their  marriage is not over until she tells him it is over!

Chesney - doncha' just love him?  Poor lad is not feeling well this week  - he had the misfortune to see Sally with no clothing.  Well she is not  quite the pert young thing she once was.  Fair turned his mind it has.  Particularly as he has been seeing a lot of the suddenly wonderful  Sophie - where do Granada find all these great kids - she is a natural.

And the big event of the week is of course the wedding.  So there has to  be a stag night.  Charlie and the lads go out and have a few, or in  Charlie's case, just the one - female, blonde and available - Charlie's  favourite type.  Just in case you were in any doubt about Charlie seeing  him in bed with the blonde on the morning of his wedding is bound to  re-assure you that this is a good family man looking forward to being  married to R'Shelley.

And of course there is wonderful hen night in the back of the Rovers.  They force feed absinthe to Betty who is asleep in seconds and misses  the excitement.  Shelley is so sorry for the last few months - falling  out with all her friends, with her mother, Sunita, being a poor  employer.  She hopes they can all have a new start with her wedding the  next day.  Bev however cannot let matters lie and she gets Violet to  tell her story of the night that Charlie made advances.  Shelley is  distraught, but refuses, as usual to believe a word of it.

Anyway the following morning Fred takes Shelley to church telling her as  she sits in the car that this is her last chance to change her mind. But  she wants to go ahead and she walks into church.  I suppose we are all  hoping that someone will know of some objection to the marriage and that  when the vicar asks the question that a voice will be heard - Bev looks  on anxiously - but the moment passes.

Charlie confirms that he will take Shelley to be his lawful wedded wife.  The focus moves to Shelley (the voice on BBC7 of the Faraway Tree and  the Enchanted Wood) and what does she answer? "No" Vicar - "I'm sorry?" Shelley - "No I'm sorry, I won't". I am surprised that we did not hear the whoops of joy from Bev but the  signature music was played just a fraction too quickly.

K Richard W
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