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Monday 18 June 2012

Coronation Street Weekly Update - Sep 15 1998

Corrie weekly updates from 1995, 17 years in 17 e-books
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Things go downhill fast and quite nastily after last week's rumpeh pumpeh between Steve and Maxine. Fiona, blissfully unaware of the sexual malarkey, asks Steve to marry her and to adopt little Morgan as his own. He says yes, and it's snogahula. Anyway, Maxine, saddled with guilt, goes to see Fiona and tells her the truth about her and Steve. Steve denies everything and Fiona doesn't know quite whom to believe. Steve tells Maxine to go back to Fiona, to deny what happened and tell Fiona she'd been lying when she really told her the truth (you following this?). He tells Maxine she must cover up what happened if she wants to both stay friends with Fiona and keep her job. So, Maxine goes back to the salon and tells Fiona she lied about her and Steve but Fiona sacks her anyway and tells her not to come back. So, while Fiona is out at the baby clinic, Maxine returns to the salon to tell Fiona that she was telling the truth in the first place. With Fiona out of the way, she goes upstairs to talk to Steve and the pair of them argue, he wants Maxine to keep quiet so he doesn't lose Fiona and she wants to tell the truth in an attempt to keep her friend. In the flat, they're both arguing and Steve opens the door to throw Maxine out... only to find Fiona - she'd been listening to every word.

Jim's having a few more twinges in his leg, so he is. His therapist tells him not to get too excited about it though. Jim and Liz chat about becoming grandparents when Steve adopts Morgan and there's quite a grizzly sort of scene with Jim telling Liz she'll be a glamorous granny. The nation shuddered.

The Freshco fiasco continues. Ann sends another letter, hinting at dark things in pickled beetroot. Curly finds the opened jar of beetroot on the shelf and there's glass in it (which Ann has placed, of course). Anyway, after the police intervene and there's a silly episode about "Operation Crustacean" it all ends up with Curly getting arrested when the police find the book (returned to Curly's book shelf by Ann) that's been used for sending the extortion letters. But fear not, the intrepid threesome - Alma, Aunty Em and (of course) the lovely Spider - are on the case. Alma overhears Ann telling the police that Curly harassed her and other general untrue things, so Ann becomes suspect number one. Curly sends Alma a letter saying he knows that Ann is trying to frame him, and there's nothing he can do to prove otherwise, so he's done the only thing a man can do under these circumstances - he's run away. In the Freshco office, Curly calls Alma but Ann comes into the room so Alma cuts the call short and later does a 1471-3 to call back the number. Unfortunately, Curly doesn't answer it. It's a public phone box at Manchester Airport. Ann announces to Alma that she's going to work at another store for a couple of weeks. It's a fit up gov. Send her down. Oh, and feed her up while you're at it. She still looks positively anorexic.

Now that Jack and Vera are employees of Alec's at the Rovers, they're being pedantic about time keeping and whatnot. This is causing Alec no end of frustration until he starts making notes in his little book - if they're going to work to rule, then he's going to pay them accordingly. Vera complains that the central heating pump has broken down in the Rovers. "Well, get your Jack to fix it!" says Alec. "Jack?" says Vera "What would he know about old boilers?" "I would have thought plenty, after being married to you", he replies.

Kev refuses to let Sally see the girls and she's really fretting about it. She mistakenly thinks that Greg's solicitor is working on gaining her access to her children, but you can tell that having 2 kids around, quiet little baked-bean angels that they are, is the last thing on Greg's mind. Rita offers Sally support this week, but she's still disappointed and tells Sally she must put the needs of her children before anything else.

The hole in the wall between Rita and Alec's flat is still a hole in the wall. Pat the builder has gone AWOL leaving behind torn wallpaper, loose concrete and a heck of a mess. Oh, and a hole in the wall. Rita hides the hole with a curtain as a temporary measure to divide her flat from Alec's and thinks the two of them should have some rules about privacy and the entrance to each other's flat. "A bolt? What do you want a door bolt for?" asks Alec. "Well..." she replies "I wouldn't want to be thrusting myself on yer willy nilly". Oh, I did chuckle. Anyway, Alec decides to finish the job himself and ends up spraining his ankle when he falls. Rita summons help from Martin and Jack who come up to the flat and wonder what on earth is going on. Rita has a conversation with Jack, for some reason, about bromide in tea. "Aye, they used to do that in the army to us, put bromide in our tea, to stop urges, like". "Did it work?" asks Rita. "No, not then, but it's starting to now!". Martin and Jack take Alec back to the Rovers to dust him off and rest his leg and of course, tongues starts wagging when news of the connecting flats gets all over the place. "It was just a bit of D.I.Y." says Alec. "Sounds more like S.E.X. to me" replies Vera.

And that is just about that for this week.
Glenda :-)

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