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Sunday 17 June 2012

Coronation Street Weekly Update - Sep 14 1999

Corrie weekly updates from 1995, 17 years in 17 e-books
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Cast your minds back to last week when Alison took the girls out for the afternoon without telling Kevin where she was going and Sally was all distraught after finding out Alison had been implicated in the death of her younger sister when they were kids. Well, when Alison does arrive back on the street, all innocent-like after taking the girls to have their portraits taken (and framed! crikey, that was quick), she realises why Kevin was so upset at her disappearance with his daughters and knows she can't continue to live with him as he will never be able to trust her, so she packs up and leaves Weatherfield for ever. Kevin has the troubles of the world on his shoulders. His fiancee has left him and now Natalie is onto him about the books of the garage. It's all cashflow and no profit, he must get more efficient or reduce overheads, so he gets rid of both Jim and Tyrone.

Now then, good stuff in the Rovers between new boy Vinny and old girl Betty when she puts him in his place and calls him "sonny". A definite meeting of minds, these two. Vinny is a wonderful addition to the Street. Was it only me who saw the aliens slip into the Rovers this week and abduct Natalie, replacing her with an identical copy except for the sleeves? (she really did, she had sleeves!!!!)

Jack retires from the Rovers this week. Tyrone is gutted especially as he's on such a high having presented Jack with his favourite pigeon (Fergie) stuffed and mounted in a glass case. Jack hates it, but Vera says it must take pride of place on the mantelpiece for fear of upsetting Tyrone. The staff at the Rovers buy Jack a tankard (how original).

More PMT (pre-marital tension) for Maxine when her bridesmaid storms out of the house, refusing to try on the bridesmaid dress. Looks like bridesmaid has gone back to her ex-fiance after all and isn't best pleased that she's already given away her wedding time-slot at the local church to Maxine and now she wants it back! Fickle, or what? And of course it means now that Maxine needs a new bridesmaid. Ashley's birth mum, Kathleen calls into Freshco and there's a beautiful scene when Ashley realises just who the woman is that he's been trying to flog cheap rump steak to. Ashley sits down with Beryl to chat about the wedding. Beryl has really warmed to Maxine and Ashley says 'Aye, she's lovely'. Ashley explains that he would like Kathleen to come to the wedding and Beryl is fine about it, just so long as she is the groom's mother and Kathleen is just a guest. Straight talking and honest, Kathleen explained why she 'abandoned' Ashley after getting pregnant by her boss, Fred. She politely declines the invitation to the wedding, saying that it is Beryl's day and she deserves it more than her.

Bland Danny and Sally go to market trader George's funeral together and afterwards, in the pub, he admits his true feelings for Sally. (Now then, I just want to make it official. I like Sally. I'm probably the only person in the world that still does, but there, I've said it.) Anyway, so Sally knows bland Danny's feelings towards her, but manages to keep quiet when Sharon calls round to her house with a bottle of plonk and gets completely Brahms after a mouthful of the stuff, telling Sally she loves the guy to bits. Danny is missing from the market as he's gone round to the Kabin to finish with Sharon. Before he can do it though, Sharon asks him to move in with her, so when he eventually manages to get a word in edgeways, the hurt for Sharon is even more. In a touching scene with Rita in the shop Sharon is in bits and blames herself for always throwing herself into relationships too fast and getting carried away with it all.

Now then, what else has happened? Maude and Emily received their tickets for their Bangkok trip. And er, I think that's about it for this week....

Glenda :-)

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