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Tuesday 12 June 2012

Coronation Street Weekly Update - Oct 6 2003

Corrie weekly updates from 1995, 17 years in 17 e-books
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Karen tries to call off her divorce and dashes to the Town Hall to stop the paperwork before it gets stamped.  With her Freshco loyalty card as official ID, Karen persuades the woman at the Town Hall to stop the divorce, but it's too late, it's gone through. Never mind, she's not gutted for long. Steve winds her up when he makes a phone call pretending he's meeting another woman down by the canal in a new Yorkshire wine bar: "Eee bar gum" and of course, Karen follows him. What she finds is her own Captain Birdseye on board the sailing barge Rosemary with a diamond ring, a wedding proposal, a glint in his eye and mutiny on his mind.  As news of the engagement spreads, by way of Karen yelling it to everyone, not everyone's as pleased for them as Karen would have liked. Divorced on Thursday and engaged on Friday? He only took her for a drink on Tuesday, they were making love on Wednesday and then on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, well, the girls at the factory are not best pleased.  Not phased by this, Karen organises a huge party at the Rovers, there's banners, there's food and there's only Norris and Kirk turn up.  And there's a great rapster DJ in the corner of the snug going something like (and I'm making this bit up 'cos I can't remember exactly what he did say, but you get the drift): "It's 9 o'clock, the party ends, and Karen she ain't got no friends."   Karen throws the DJ out of the pub, Steve nibbles the celery and the girls from the factory roll home from the bingo.  Fiz gives Karen a set of cups she's won earlier that night.  "It's a set of mugs, just like the ones you took us for" she says.  

Undeterred that they don't have the blessing of their friends and neighbours, Karen starts planning her big greedy wedding and isn't best pleased to hear that Steve has to put Streetcar profits back into the firm. Well, it's Dev's idea. He wants the firm to expand, to have satellite navigation and lady cab drivers. (Come back Amanda Barrie and bring your Glamour Cabs uniform with you. I remember the first time I saw that film, I just didn't think it possible for a woman to look so fantastic.  Mind you, there was a lot of eye-liner involved).  Eileen listens to these plans for the firm and chews on her chocolates, trying to get happy (.... then, dump the Cadbury's Class C stuff, pet, and start on something hardcore like organic Green and Blacks). 

Katy and Martin settle into domestic bliss together in his grotty flat with everyone's disapproval hanging over their heads like a bad lampshade with one of those red bulbs that don't light anything, they just turn things red, you know the sort.  Katy has to borrow bus money from Martin and comments that their toothbrushes look dead cute side by side in his bathroom - his red Oral B next to her blue Teletubby.  Angela's finding life hard without her daughter and snatches a brief conversation in the cafe with her to tell her she misses her and wants her to come home.

Fred's gone on the trip of a lifetime, a two week trip to the by-roads of Scotland to view the by-products of some beef factory with some butcher pals of his.  When Petula Peach the abbatoir heiress turns up and tells Fred she's organising the trip, he decides not to go, not wanting any fuss and nonsense with a woman who talks just like he does, I say, sounds right familiar.  Then Bev reminds him how much he were looking foward to his little jolly so off he goes on the scout for supreme sausage in Scotland.

Sunita and Ciaran have a bit of a falling out and he spends the night at the Rovers, on the sofa in the back room. Or at least that's what he tells her - when we all know he was in bed with Bev after spinning her a line that him and Sunita had split up.  More goings-on at the Rovers this week include Lucy turning up to have a drink with Shelly, who wasn't expecting her. Bev doesn't trust Lucy and tells Shelly to be careful - although she's keeping schtum about Ciaran for now.

And finally this week saw Corrie's first gay kiss when Todd kissed Nick. I'm not making a big fuss about this because I don't reckon it's as ground breaking,  relevant, or important in changing people's attitudes as putting a transsexual in the nation's living room 4 or 5 times a week for the past few years.  Todd's as confused as can be over what happened and Sarah's not faring well either.  Nick meanwhile is questioning his masculinity and asks Ashley if he's ever done anything to suggest he was gay.  Sarah packs, leaves and jumps on the bus with Bethany, not sure where she's going while Todd stands on the cobbles, feeling much the same.

And that's just about that for this week.


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