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Wednesday 13 June 2012

Coronation Street Weekly Update - Nov 25 2002

Corrie weekly updates from 1995, 17 years in 17 e-books
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With her trusty Archie by her side, Audrey tells her tale to the police and PC Bloke believes her. Richard's called in for questioning but easily punches holes in Audrey's story when he reveals that Audrey has an appointment with the specialist at the hospital to test for senile dementia. So it's back to square one with everyone but Archie thinking that Audrey's gone doodle-alley. (Note to self: must go there sometime, sounds v. interesting and I hear the weather's good). Knowing her family isn't safe under the same roof as Richard, Audrey tries to kidnap the kids which deteriorates her relationship with Gail still further. But then Archie has a plan and advises Audrey to see his solicitor to change her will, which she does. She tells Gail and Dicky there's no point in bumping her off now as they're not gettenh ay penneh. It's too much for Gail to take, she thinks her mother's gone bonkers and tells her never to darken her doorstep again. Archie thinks Audrey needs a break for a few days and offers to whisk her off to his sister Stella Shuttleworth who runs a guest house in the Lakes. Even Martin thinks this is a good idea for he too, sadly, thinks Audrey is off the rails although he's promised her he'll keep an eye on Dicky in her absence.

Maxine's curious about her new neighbours, the Nelson's, but aren't we all? Tommy gets a job at Kev's garage after he proves he's a dab hand with a spanner. Now, my brother manages a garage and I was chatting to him the other week to see how realistic the Street garage was. These are his words, not mine: "The spanners are too big and they don't drink enough tea". So there you have it. So just what is the Nelson's big secret, I wonder. Are they on the Witness Protection Programme or just ashamed that casting have got the mother and daughter in completely the wrong roles? I don't know, but they seem perfectly normal to me; I'd hide behind the sofa too if Maxine and her mother came knocking at my door.

Alex the painter starts work at the Websters. Sally palpitates over paint charts, while Alex wallpapers over the cracks in her relationship with Kevin. Kev tries on his old wedding suit complete with drawn-on tash. "Why did I ever get rid of it?" he wonders. "Because Steph Barnes shaved it off" we shouted at the telly.

Mind you, as if Sally hasn't got enough on her mind, she's now figured out that Peter's having an affair. After listening in on one hushed phone call too many at work, Sally tells Kev what Peter's up to and he tells her to mind her own business. Spending the afternoon with Lucy in a casino seems a good idea to Peter until Vik comes in and discovers Peter's secret. He now intends to blackmail Peter and get out of paying his £1,000 debt. (Has this Lucy got no life of her own? Why is she always in, waiting, ready, doing nothing? Why does she never slob around her flat in Garfield slippers with curlers in her hair and chocolate bon-bons in her ears? I do it all the time and it comes highly recommended).

More marital discord for the Watts on Emma's day off. There she is one minute strolling along with Curly and baby and the next she's having a drink in the Rovers with one of the lads from work who's moaning on about how his partner doesn't understand him and how he's only going to date policewomen from now on. There may be trouble ahead. But while there's Curly and baby and house, Emma should face the music and dance.

Finally, it's been a good week for the Street's scholars as Ken helps Todd with essay writing and Emily offers Toyah her front room for quiet reading after Emily finds her studying in the cafŽ when she should be at work.

And that's just about that for this week.


By Glenda Young, writer of Coronation Street Weekly Updates for the internet since 1995.

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