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Saturday 16 June 2012

Coronation Street Weekly Update - Nov 21 2000

Corrie weekly updates from 1995, 17 years in 17 e-books
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This week's update written by Vivienne Smith as Glenda was away

I apologise profusely for the lateness of this update. I'm afraid that I misjudged the amount of time necessary to type all of this. Well, to be truthful it was watching all the episodes twice that almost finished me off. I would normally enjoy a double helping of Corrie but some of the scenes this week almost sent me into a catatonic trance. At one point the local Neighbourhood Watch looked in the window and thought I had slipped into a coma; however as soon as I awoke and explained that I was rewatching Jim and Liz having the same conversation over and over again in the visiting room at the Big House, they understood perfectly and offered their deepest sympathies for my predicament.
I know that in real life people do have the same conversations again and again. Couples in trouble or about to split up say the same old things to each other until they realise they are getting nowhere. Then they split up. BUT, if I wanted to look at real life problems I'd save the licence fee and join the Neighbourhood Watch. Then I could look in other people's windows for free!
Fortunately, it wasn't all doom and gloom this week, thanks to some superb writing from Mariam Vossborough, David Lane and Peter Mills. Also some sterling performances from the regular cast with a few deserving an honourable mention. And finally a new character played with hypnotic awfulness; he's so bad he's good!
Anyway on with the show which I divided into storylines rather than try to do this chronologically.
At the beginning of the week Les and Janice are still apart but it is obvious that Janice is weakening, partly because she is feeling guilty about Dennis fancying her and partly because she seems actually to love her repulsive husband. Les has persuaded Toyah to let him stay at the Rovers but is caught leaving in the morning by Liz who makes it clear that it mustn't happen again. Toyah tells him that he must talk to Janice and sort outtheir problems. In the bar later on he tries for some sympathy from Dennis but his advice is the same "Talk to Janice and show her you've changed". In the cafe Vera notices Janice looking thoughtful and tells her she's sorry to hear about her and Les splitting up. Vera tells her that it is her own feelings that are important not what other people will think if they make up. Janice says Les has promised he'll change. Vera tells her that men don't change, after all Jack hasn't but she can't imagine life without him. "Some people" she tells Janice "are meant to be together". Later that evening as Janice, wearing her work overall as usual, is ironing there is a knock at the door. It is Les, come to plead his case one more time. Her promises that he will get a job and make everything up to her. He will even sleep on the sofa until Janice forgives him. Surely Janice won't fall for that load of old *&$£()%*. Unfortunately, we know that she probably will. Les asks Steve for a job on the taxis but Steve says no chance. Later (after Eileen has put the boss straight!) Steve says he does need a driver two nights per week, providing Les can pass the knowledge. Les has also managed to get a job filling in for absent staff for the Council. For probably the first time in his life Les has two paying jobs!
The time has come for the grand opening of Elliott and Son, Master Butchers of Victoria Street. A small crowd of locals turn up, but only because the meat is half price on opening day. Unfortunately, the mayor of Weatherfield does not turn up, having double booked himself with Fred and a supermarket opening across town. Maxine saves the day by dashing across to the salon and getting Councillor Audrey Roberts to do the honours. Audrey says some very nice things about Fred and his business and wields the scissors to cut the ribbon and declare the new butchery "OPEN".
Maxine is still wearing out poor old Ashley is her attempts to get pregnant. He goes into the shop on Sunday morning with the excuse that there is work to be done, but Fred later finds him having a kip behind the bacon slicer. Ashley tells Fred that he is worn out by his wife's ceaseless demands for rumpeh-pumpeh. "She won't leave me alone". Fred points out that there are a hundred men in Weatherfield alone who wish they could say the same thing! Later in the Rovers Fred gives Ashley something to keep up his ... er ... strength. It is Ginseng which Fred claims is Chines for "lead in your pencil". He warns Ashley to keep quiet about it though. He doesn't want people to know that a butcher is recommending herbal remedies. Fred says he has a reputation as a meat and Cumberland Ring man to keep up. (That reminds me CP is doing next week's update - something to look forward to!)
Jim is 'celebrating' his birthday in prison. His treat is a visit from Liz. Although they had previously agreed to try again, he has now spoken to Steve who does not approve and has persuaded Jim that he will be better off without Liz. Liz however will not take her dismissal easily and, grabbing Jim by the tabard, forces him to listen to what she has to say about their future together. At her next visit Liz has a surprise question for Jim. Will he marry her? Jim says yes.
Anthony is preparing a meal for Rita in his rather large kitchen, when they are interrupted by a visitor who is introduced as Isobel's brother, George Docherty. He has heard from Evil Daughter Amanda about Anthony's friendship with Rita. He has a go at the pair of them and finishes by calling the fragrant Mrs Sullivan "a trollop". This is too much for Anthony who shows him the door. At this point I have to say that George is played by possibly the worst actor ever to appear in the street. He stares unblinkingly as he delivers his lines in a monotone. When he wants to stress something he doesn 't change his tone, he just shouts a bit louder. He does not change his faci al expression for the whole time he is on screen. If my local amateur dramatic society were casting a pantomime villain he would fail the audition. At least previous non actors were sometimes a bit decorative but George fails in that department as well. George returns the next day and tells Anthony that due to 'business difficulties' he will no longer be able to pay his half of Isobel's nursing home fees. (Boo Hiss!) While Anthony is preparing Sunday lunch for Rita, Amanda walks in with her usual sour expression on. Her father says that "thanks to her sanctimonious bleating to Uncle George" her mother will have to leave the home. He hopes she is satisfied. Anthony visits his accountant who tells him that he can manage Isobel's fees for six months, then he will have to sell the house and business. Of course, it is only in soap land that people try and solve their money troubles by selling their only source of income.
In the Rovers Geena is trying to drum up some enthusiasm for the Karaoke night. She asks Dennis if he will sing something. "Yes" says our leather-clad hero "'My Best Friend's Girl'". "Shall I put you down then Dennis?" asks Geena. "Why not, everyone else does." Aah. Poor Dennis. It is up to Eileen to save the day and she looks Dennis in the eye while she sings "That Old Devil Called Love". Unfortunately the Karaoke night loses money, Geena's next idea is a Mr and Mrs night.
Linda has confided in Geena that she may be pregnant. She is worried because she won't know who the father is. And Mike won't believe it is his without a DNA test, which may not give the answer he wanted. By the end of the week Geena' has persuaded her to take a test which is negative. Just as well because the thought of being pregnant had doubled Linda's roll-up consumption.
Now that her own love life is sorted out, Janice tries to help Eileen who has taken a fancy to Dennis. She invites Eileen for Sunday lunch but Dennis is extremely off hand. We learn that Eileen's boys are Jason (17) and Todd(15). After Eileen leaves he has a go at Janice for trying to set the pair of them up. He is taken aback to find that Eileen actually fancies him, and realises that he had better apologise. He catches up with Eileen in the pub and after a chat they realise they have a shared interest in bike's.
Gail has a letter inviting her for an interview at the Health Centre for the receptionist's post. David doesn't think she'll get it "'Cos you have to be young and good looking". Sarah is very encouraging though. Gail is obviously beginning to get back some confidence and it is great to see.
Candice has sent Glen a text message as though it is from Sarah, asking for a date. He calls and they agree to go out on Wednesday, with Candice providing the alibi.
Roy and Hayley are still discussing the pros and cons of fostering versus adoption.
In the cafe Jack tells Sam and Pat about the five-bet accumulator he has put £100 on. Four horses and a dog at an evening race meeting. If it all works to plan he will win just under £60,000. Vera calls across and reminds him to put the £100 she has given him into the Building Society for Christmas. Oh dear. Methinks there is a connection here!! If this bet fails, Jack is going to be singing his Christmas Carols soprano this year. This was a grand episode with regular scenes as the day progresses giving updates on the bet. The first four horses win and everything is riding on the dog. Everyone gathers in the Rovers in the evening. Pat's mate Harry who works at the track agrees to phone through a commentary. After a few worrying moments Patcalls out. "He's done it! He's only gone and won". Vera is ecstatic, Jack looks a likely contender for a return visit to the Cardiac Unit. Drinks and Cheers all round. Vera asks what he wants to do with the money. "What do you dream of Jack, when you put a bet on?" Jack replies that he doesn't know. He's never expected to win!
A great week of episodes and with the Anniversary to come there are more good storylines on the way. Grand performances from all but especially Eileen, Dennis, Janice, Jack, Vera and Candice. I think that even at such a young age Candice is a star. This actress was born to be in Coronation Street. Let's hope the powers that be nurture her and don't give her rubbish storylines.

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