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Wednesday 13 June 2012

Coronation Street Weekly Update - May 20 2002

Corrie weekly updates from 1995, 17 years in 17 e-books
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Yes, Richard's at it again, fobbing off ex-wife Patricia when she comes calling for the money she's legally owed for her share of Kellett Holdings. Gail assumes Patricia's being a pest, she doesn't know Richard hasn't paid up and gets shirty with his ex when she knocks on Gail's door. But Richard's got problems, he can't pay up because the flats he's rebuilding need an injection of cash. The underpinning has gone and the frontage is subsiding (much like a Wonderbra I once bought). Fortunately for Richard and unlucky for the Duckies, Jack and Vera have just invested with the Street's financial wizard, although they never expected he'd make their money disappear so quickly. With the Duckies twenty grand in hand (Vera: "Do we get us own portillo?") Richard uses the money to pay Steve for the building works, he's clearly not ready to give it to his ex. But Patricia won't be put off easily, she wants her cash and she wants it now. The only thing Richard can offer her is proof that he's in financial trouble so he takes her to see the state of the flats. "Let's argue and push each other about over by that big hole in the ground" he says. Well, he didn't say that but he almost could have done as it was blatantly signposted (the storyline, not the hole. If the hole had been signposted Patricia wouldn't have ended up dead! yes dead! at the bottom). In a scene that made me gasp (honestly, I did a sharp intake of breath!) Patricia tells Richard she'll expose his fraudulent ways - she'll tell Gail, the police, his clients, that fella with the gammy leg that lives at number 10. Richard doesn't like what he's hearing and the next thing you know, he's picked up a shovel, whacked Patricia over the head and she's lying there dead at the bottom of the hole. Not a good way to cement a divorce and Richard will have a concrete alibi, no doubt.

Maria and Toyah set off for a few days in Blackpool in a caravan that belongs to Maria's uncle. Meanwhile Kirk, Jason, Tyrone and Fiz turn up there too looking for a few days of sun, sand, sea and a storyline. When space becomes tight in the van and Maria can no longer stand being near fat Fiz: "Shut up and get back to your fry-up", Maria and Toyah throw out Fiz and the lads who break into an empty neighbouring van. When Toyah meets a Croatian called Goran who works behind the bar, it's clear she's forgotten that love on a campsite is always doomed to failure - remember Janice and that Welsh bloke? Their eyes meet across the bingo caller: "Can I 'ave a birruv 'ush, please?" and after a snog and a compliment, Toyah falls in love. Maria and Tyrone head to the top of the tower, separately, to reminisce about the whats, ifs and buts. Surprised to see each other, they end up talking over the good times and almost get to snogging before a group of noisy school kids interrupt them. On the pier, Jason and Kirk meet a couple of bland blondes and with erect flakes in their cones from Mr Chuff's Ice Cream, they do their best to chat them up, while appearing not to care.

Molly and Kev split up this week after she told him she wasn't going to come second best to Sally. Kev, being a bloke, can't understand what's going on. He's not in love with his ex, is he? Perhaps he is, is he? And Sally still doesn't love Kev, does she? Good one Molly, at least she can see what's going on so moves on out of the flat and tells Gail she's applying for a new job elsewhere.

Roy's trying to rally support for his roundheads and cavaliers shindig (as Fred has renamed the historical re-enactment of the battle of the red rec). And Roy being Roy, he's taking it all too seriously, aware that he may at any time disappear up his own cul-de-sac. At a meeting in the cafe, Fred wants to liven up the event with pies and ales and the good name of Elliot all over the place as number one sponsor but Roy is less keen. At the meeting, Fred wants a beer tent, Norris wants to discuss chemical toilets vs privvies and two extras look shifty at the back.

And that is just about that for this week.

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