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Wednesday 20 June 2012

Coronation Street Weekly Update - May 13 1997

Corrie weekly updates from 1995, 17 years in 17 e-books
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An unlikely alliance is starting to form in the shape of Samantha and Jim McDonald. After Jim intervened in last week's argument between Samantha and Sean, Samantha invites Jim to her house for dinner to say thank you and to apologise for shouting at him. It's all nudge-nudge wink-wink when Bill gets to hear about Samantha cooking dinner but Samantha won't take any nonsense and sends Jim back to the Rovers once dinner is over. Then, they both go bowling together and seem to get on well together. Who knows what could happen next?

Ashley gets released from prison after spending 2 nights in a prison cell. Proof that Ashley was in a night-club at the time of the fire is found when the surveillance video of the night-club is found at the police station and he's let off with all charges. He wants answers from Don though and visits him in prison, only to have Don ramble on about Ivy, he wonders when Ivy will visit him.. oh dear... The bloke is seriously off his trolley, and gets moved to a mental health hospital, which means he can't be charged with arson and attempted murder, much to Mike Baldwin's disgust.

Gail asks Alma if she wants to work part time in the cafe, and Alma jumps at the chance to spend less time twiddling her thumbs in front of daytime TV. Unfortunately, Roy isn't best pleased that Alma could be working in the cafe again, he feels his position as head chef and bottle washer under threat and tells Gail that he doesn't want to work with Alma. Gail and Roy fall out for a while but soon end up speaking again and Gail gives Alma the bad news. Not one for giving up, Alma goes for an interview in a dress shop but doesn't get the job, then she's wandering around Firman's Freezers and notices that they need staff so she asks Curly about the vacancies and before you can say 'It's not what you know, it's who you know' she gets a new job as a checkout operator. Mike is horrified when he finds out, especially as he's just booked a 2 week holiday in Cyprus for the two of them and now finds out that Alma can't go.

Deirdre is willing to take over as the new manager of Sunliners but Alec is up to his old tricks again. He's managed to fiddle a 10 day holiday in Las Vegas for himself out of Sunliners promotions, Deirdre tells him to get rid of the holiday before she takes over in charge. Alec has a plan, he tells Jack they should raffle the holiday in the Rovers, and that he will ensure Jack and Vera are the winners of the holiday. All the regulars are buying raffle tickets and Jack gets a bit worried about the dodgy deal when Alan McKenna buys a couple of tickets and asks questions about the deal. Profits of the raffle are going to Weatherfield Hospital, when Alec's taken his cut, of course. I can't help thinking that something is going to go terribly wrong.

Natalie and Kevin are wondering what to do with themselves after last week's encounter. Natalie is all for having another full overhaul and service from our favourite mechanic, but Kev is feeling guilty and visits Sally in Scarborough. Mind you, this still doesn't stop him and Natalie from having a long snog on the sofa, and with little Sophie upstairs too.

Maureen (remember her? she hasn't been around for ages, neither has Curly who makes a reappearance this week) is feeling a bit depressed about her love life with Bill, the spark's gone and she wants to brighten things up. Bill's idea of a night out is playing dominoes in the Rovers with Percy Sugden and Maude so Maureen drags him out to a 60's night at Cherelle's night-club.

And finally, what's happening to our own Street Spice Girls Maxine and Fiona this week? Fiona has a moan to Alan that she never sees enough of him, and he offers to move in to the flat above the hair salon with her. Maxine is head over heels in love with Ashley, the fact he's spent a couple of nights in prison seems to have added more mystique to the butcher's nephew and they stay overnight at Don's house, as Ashley still has the house keys. And that's it for this week.

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