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Monday 11 June 2012

Coronation Street Weekly Update - March 21 2005

Corrie weekly updates from 1995, 17 years in 17 e-books
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Chesney’s living it up at the Croppers while Cilla and Les are away.  Roy and Hayley are spoiling little Chesney but haven’t cottoned on yet that he’s plucking at their heart strings in a most deliberate way  for his own gain, usually in the form of more food and sweets. Roy even gives in and allows Schmeicel to stay in their small flat, learning the fine art of dog training from Chesney: “Sit!  Stay! Fetch the newspaper!  Get yourself down t’corner shop and when you come back do the hoovering!”.  Roy starts to enjoy having the dog around, it even takes him for a walk but Hayley’s not best pleased, especially when she finds out Roy’s given it her supper.

At Emily’s, Norris has a go at Ray for sitting in his comfy chair while Ken has a go at Ray for getting comfy with his wife. Ken’s jealous and fed up with the attention that Tracy and Deirdre are giving to Ray and he ends up drunk in the Rovers, rolling back home to break up the book group and break a few home truths to the women at number 1.  He tells Deirdre he’s sick of her looking after Ray, he tells Tracy she’s a gold digger and won’t get a penny when Ray dies because he’s already got another kid. But best of all was when he told Blanche: “You really are a miserable old bat”.  Hung-over and pitiful the next day, he apologies to all but Blanche needs much more than the others, it seems.   Tracy and Ray have become closer this week - and as he handed over money for Amy you could really see the love in Tracy’s eyes.  

The police have released Martin when their enquiries go nowhere and he braves the Rovers for a pint. He realised it wasn’t such a good idea when everyone snubbed him, Norris gossiped about him and then Craig wrestled him to the ground on the cobbles.  Angela and Katy have shook, simpered, wept and wobbled this week trying to keep things together as they prepare for Tommy’s funeral. Angela needs to get rid of the wrench that Katy used to kill Martin and just as she’s ready to chuck it int’canal, a WPC creeps up behind her and tells her she’s following her, for her own protection.  The wrench goes back in her handbag until Angela decides the ideal place for hiding it is in Tommy’s coffin in the Chapel of Rest. In it goes, wrapped in a tea-towel and then the lid’s screwed into place.  Tommy’s mother wants a cremation but for obvious reasons Angela says no.  She does however, confess all to her priest who says her only chance of forgiveness is to tell the police.

Sally’s secret affair looks set to be blown wide open after Rosie tells her mum she knows what’s going on. Sally laughs it off, how can she possibly know?  But when Ian and Justine come round to the Webster’s for drinks, Rosie catches Sally and Ian in the kitchen.  I’m not quite sure what they were doing but as the Webster’s kitchen is tiny, whatever it was must have been intimate.   Sally tells her daughter she’ll end the affair and will do anything to keep the family together.

As well as running the book club, Norris wants to start a Neighbourhood Watch scheme.  He pulls a group of the usual suspects together (the same people from the book club, primarily, which is handy as they’re mainly the older ones so a lot of scenes sitting - reading novels, looking at pictures of policeman’s truncheons and so on - will suit them just fine).  Anyway, there’s a great scene when the ladies of the Watch take up singing and Rita, Emily and Blanche do a three part harmony from Calamity Jane.

Elsewhere this week, Claire gets on the bus driver training scheme and Sonia the factory girl left to become a red coat at Butlins (or whatever colour coats cleaners wear there).

And that’s just about that for this week.  Hang on, what’s it say here in these new fangled instructions about sending the update once it’s been written....?  I have to press escape then stand and deliver, salute to the sun and press send.  Here goes.


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