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Wednesday 13 June 2012

Coronation Street Weekly Update - Mar 24 2003

Corrie weekly updates from 1995, 17 years in 17 e-books
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It's all come-hither looks and gusset linings this week at the factory with Karen and Joe.  Sure that there's something going on between his missus and her manager, Steve throws strumpet Karen out onto the street and changes the locks after giving Joe a good thumping in the packaging department.  To which the man sitting next to me on the sofa commented (wryly, I thought): "Well, that wasn't the best punch ever thrown in that factory but then again, it wasn't the worst."  Karen's back before you know it though when Steve calls her on her mobile before she's mid-snog with Joe, begging her to go back to him - which she does. But Joe thinks she still wants him - which she does.  His efforts to make her jealous pay off when he has lunch with a buyer called Lisa who's all sports car and split ends.  Joe tells Karen he knows they both want each other and Karen tells Joe not to forget she's a married woman. Joe doesn't see that as being a problem and leaves the ball, racquet and frilly white sports dress firmly in Karen's court.  Strangely, Dev fought Karen's corner this week, telling Steve that Karen wouldn't have an affair with Joe because "she knows where to draw the line".  Now then, if only someone would tell her how to draw her legs together, he'd be right.  There was more excitement at the factory this week when Joe told Mike he'd like to see a big expansion in men's pants.  The girls get right excited about this growth area and debate the merits of breathing space vs support.

After Katy was rushed to hospital last week in a coma, the diagnosis is diabetes and Martin comes round with his little prick when Katy has problems learning how to inject her insulin.  I  have to admit I know nothing about diabetes so this storyline's been right educational for me.   The only time I've come across diabetes was as a kid playing in the street with my friend's cousin and I could never understand why his mother came out to him at three in the afternoon and made him eat a banana.  This happened every day during the 6 week's summer holiday and I always thought he was a right lucky little lad.

When Maxine's memorial raffle money goes missing from the Rovers, Fred jumps to conclusions and Harry gets the sack.  The simple explanation was that Peter found it by the till so paid it into the bank and when Fred realises his mistake he's all mithered - in a wonderful comic moment.  It's another fine mess he's got himself into and he has to ask for Harry's forgiveness.  Harry takes a long time coming round to Fred, well you would, wouldn't you, after being accused of theft?  But finally he does, all's well in the end and he gets his job back although Harry says he wants to stay on t'other side of the bar as pot lad, cellar boy and casual purveyor of fine ale and salted nuts.

And the best storyline by far this week has been watching Peter Barlow squirm.  With Shelley's sister's funeral booked for the same day as his wedding to Lucy, he knows he has to be in two places at once and by the skin of his teeth - and after a good nagging from Shelley who can't understand why he wants to rush away and leave her at the funeral - he is.  He's at the funeral for elevenses and a nice bit of meat pie with Shelley's Uncle Len (whom I and the man on the sofa had the pleasure of meeting in a London pub when we stopped for a breather during the anti-war march t'other week) and then it's a mad dash to the registry office for a buttonhole affair and shotgun fellowship to a florist.  He's twenty minutes late and Lucy's got a sweat on but with Tracy and a mate, the new Mr and Mrs Barlow are wed with all the romance and passion that a town hall can muster.  He does, she does -  and to think, eh, he only popped into Lucy's that first time for a bunch of chrysanths. So think on.

After Kirk's competition win, of all that free toilet roll last week, he thinks he's on to a winner and enlists Jack's help.  Together, the two of them are going to enter (and win) as many competitions as they can; professional comping here they come.

Life goes on in the Platt household with the place looking like one of the rooms before Anne Maurice, the wonderful House Doctor has been in there and sprinkled her magic.  Anyway, Audrey tells Gail that Steven in Canada has offered to fly the whole lot of them out there for a few days holiday.  It could be what Gail needs, especially now that the police have been to tell her that Richard's body has been released and is ready for disposal.  Throw him to the house robot! Pit! Pit! Pit! Pit!  Gail, decent to the end and with Archie's help, organises for his body to have a send off in the usual way but without any flowers, mourners or Robbie Williams' Angels.

And that's just about that for this week.


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