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Wednesday 13 June 2012

Coronation Street Weekly Update - Mar 11 2002

Corrie weekly updates from 1995, 17 years in 17 e-books
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After being attacked at work last week, Martin's got a plaster on his head and a plan forming inside him after Sally looks after him at her place for a while. But when he suggests moving in with her and the kids, Sally's less sure that it's a good idea. She tells Martin she doesn't want to ruin this relationship by moving too fast, not like she's done before (and before, and before and before). But Martin can't understand Sally's reasoning and takes it as a personal slight. There's only Rita for Sally to turn to for advice; and couldn't we all do with a Rita for tea and sympathy every once in a while.
Emma returns to work and leaves Curly at home looking after baby Ben. All's going well with inputs and outputs "six bottles of milk in, three dirty nappies out" as the family settle into their new found routine. It's the day of Ben's christening and everyone's dressed in their best bib and tucker, except Ben of course who's just in his best bib. Curly's parents are there, hounded by Norris and his photograph album; and Maxine is there looking extremely pregnant. "Come on Maxine" shouts Curly "show us yer lump!" as Ashley wanders into view quite nicely.

Fred's been bugging Betty for her hotpot recipe but she's not having it, oh no, not when Eve tells her the reason he's after the recipe is because he wants to sell t'hotpotint'butchers. Aye. Betty knocks up a recipe anyway, laced heavily with cayenne and paprika and tells Fred it's the secret to hotpot success. Needless to say it's a total failure and Betty has the last laugh: "You're a damn scoundrel, Fred Elliot".
Les' girlfriend Sandra stays overnight with him after a romantic meal of cheap lager and chips, and Les is starting to think this may well lead somewhere. But when Janice is out for a pizza with Karen, she spies Sandra and another bloke all cosy-like over a funghi margharita at another table. Janice tells Toyah who tells Les who tells Sandra who admits she's going back to her ex-spouse. Les won't admit to anyone who asks what's really happened and pretends for a while that he's still with Sandra but he comes clean in the end. (Sorry, but this was like watching paint dry).

(And so was this). Vik's in trouble after a visit from Hazel's husband who warns him away from his wife. And now Vik's worried when Hazel doesn't return his phone calls so he goes to see her and she says she wants to end it but the whole storyline has one huge question hanging over it. Why?
This week saw Mother's Day in the UK and Deirdre got a ticking off from Blanche for forgetting to buy her a card. Never mind, Blanche has other fish to fry and refused to be placated by the offer of lunch out with Deirdre and Ken as she's going out with Archie instead. "Life", she tells Archie "is like a pint of best bitter. Savour every drop while you can".

And elsewhere this week; Sarah and Todd started going out together (sweet).

And that's just about that for this week.

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