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Monday 18 June 2012

Coronation Street Weekly Update - June 9 1998

Corrie weekly updates from 1995, 17 years in 17 e-books
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After being turfed out by Janice, Les spends the night in the outside toilet. Charlie comes to his rescue and gives him a camper van to live in, which ends up parked in the street outside of Janice's house - so she's not best pleased. Although he has a chemical toilet, he has no running water so pops into the cafe for a quick wash and shave in the public restroom. This upsets Roy's hygiene sensibilities so much he has to go in there and clean up after Les, blowing into his marigolds before snapping them on. Les tries to wash his laundry in the Rover's toilet, but Betty turfs him out and then Gary and Judy give him short shrift when he asks if they can take care of his laundry instead. He strings a TV aerial from the van to the drainpipe of his house only to have his connection severed when someone skates along the pavement and cuts his connection off. And since when.. when.. have we ever seen someone skating along Coronation Street...?

Kevin is pressing Sally to sell her mother's house and invest the money by buying Natalie's share of the garage. Sally tells Kevin she's still grieving and dithers about whether she wants Natalie to have her mother's money or not. Take the money and run, Sally, run. Sally and Greg do a bit of flirting in the Rovers while Greg is still bonking around with Maxine... sheesh, men.

Samantha leaves in a taxi, telling Des she's going to have the abortion and off she goes. Des drives to the clinic he thinks she'll be at but the staff there aren't allowed to give out any details about their patients and Des is thrown out onto the street after demanding to see Samantha. Meanwhile, Judy Mallett spots Samantha in a clothes store buying jeans at the same time as Samantha is supposedly having her abortion. She tells Des she's seen Sam in town. Des confronts Sam when she arrives back on the Street and she admits that she's not pregnant and never was. "You're evil you are, you're mad, poison, and you've got an orange face," he tells her. (I made that bit up about the orange face). When Natalie confronts Samantha, Sam asks if she'll tell everyone that she's had a miscarriage, and Nat, for some reason, agrees to this. Anyway, later, Sam fakes a phone call from Leeds hospital saying that Natalie's son Tony has been taken into intensive care after a road traffic accident. In tears, Natalie and Alec rush to the hospital only to find that Tony hasn't been admitted to any hospital in the area. Natalie realises she's been the victim of a prank and assumes that Sam is behind it all, but has no proof. While Natalie is at the hospital, Samantha goes to Nat's house and kidnaps her cat, Tiger, which she takes back to Curly's house. Uh-oh, poor little cat is gonna suffer. Samantha tells Betty and then Natalie that she knows who made the hoax phone call from the hospital - Sally! Natalie confronts Kevin who, in his usual sensitive, new man sort of way, thinks.. um, yes, Sally has been acting rather strangely lately and yes, she could have made the call... quickly forgetting that his wife has just lost her mother and is going through the most difficult grief she'll ever know and is bloody well bound to acting rather strangely at the moment.. sheesh, men.

Liz takes Jim to the Rovers in his wheelchair but he comes over all sorry for himself when Maude comes in for a drink and asks him "How're you getting on with your chair?". He spits a bit at Maude and Liz wheels him home again after telling him off for being so rude to Maude.

Jack and Vera have gone off to Wales in a caravan with Trish and the kids, leaving Alec running the Rovers in his usual management style of organised chaos.

Ashley tells Maxine that Zoe is coming home later this week. In the support group that Zoe attends, Judy's boss is also there, saying he's turned to drink since he slept with his employee when she asked for a loan for £2,000. Zoe isn't really listening at first to the confessional, but she soon realises it's Judy the guy is talking about and knows that Gary can't be the father of Judy's baby.

Leanne and Nick go to the police and report what they know about Darren Whateley harassing Leanne. However, they fail to tell all they know, leaving out a couple of important things, like the fact they wrote to him in prison and baited him with a picture and letters from Leanne.

Anyway, that's just about that for this week.
Glenda ;-)

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