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Thursday 14 June 2012

Coronation Street Weekly Update - June 26 2001

Corrie weekly updates from 1995, 17 years in 17 e-books
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I didn't cry. No, honest I didn't. I did cry last week when Alma died, on that bed, with Audrey on the duvet and Perry Como on the wireless. But this week, with the funeral and goodbyes, it was acceptance that Alma has finally gone. Following Alma's instructions for her humanist funeral, no-one wore black and those sitting in the back pew of the church led the others out in a conga when the service was over. One chap who did turn up in black was Alma's cousin Richard, who made eyes at Audrey but shook Gail's hand just that little bit too long for my liking. (Ah! Meester Shakee-Hands! Bet now! Bet now! Bet now!) Back at Audrey's later over buffet and small talk, Alma springs to life on the telly when Audrey plays a videotape that Alma made before she died. In it, she addresses all her friends and people she loved, leaving messages for each of them, all except Frank - and yes, he was at the funeral to say his goodbye. The cheek of the man, eh? Audrey and Mike take the ashes to the Lake District and on a boat called appropriately "The Lady of the Lake", they throw her overboard and feed her to the fishes. Both were in tears but when Audrey was acting her heart out, Mike was just snivelling in that way men do, when they're pretending.

And so to the Croppers who this week paid Alex (top bloke from north-east and SAFC supporter in real life) Swinton five thousand pounds in exchange for Wayne. When Hayley finds out what Roy has done, she's furious, oh yes, but secretly happy to have a child of their own. Wayne's mum Sheila comes round in a strop, bringing back the money: "He's my son, my Wayne and he's not for say-el". But she soon realises that Wayne will have a better life without getting beaten up by Alex on a regular basis. As the Croppers adjust to life in their tiny flat with an extra person around, Wayne doesn't settle well and starts wetting the bed. Terrified that Hayley will be mad with him, he doesn't mention it, but as you'd expect, Roy and Hayley offer nothing but affection, support and loving concern.

As Mike comes to terms with Linda's appalling behaviour over Alma's death, she's sent to the spare room and he's doing his best to ignore her. However, Linda won't take this lying down (which is most unlike her) and decides to fight for Mike's attention, putting all her effort into getting things going at the factory again. Pushing the girls to work overnight to fulfil the contract from Reubens, the work gets done in time, but only just. But when the phone call from Harvey comes in cancelling the order, it can only mean one thing - Mike hasn't got the finance to keep the girls on at the factory, he's going to have to dish out some P45s (American translation: pink slips). "What will you tell the girls?" asks Linda, astonished. "I'm not telling them" he replies, "You will". Well, she's made her bed, screwed around in it and now she has to lie in it - and on the wet bit too. Oh dear. I feel the factory girls will be revolting.

Bethany's become an internet orphan now that Sarah-Lou has discovered the delights of chat-room heaven. Pretending to be someone she's not (Julia), she's chatting to Todd (TJ) but neither of them know that. Meanwhile, Candice is like, well, if you can get out that chatroom we can go have some pizza, so Sarah's like ok, but Gail's like no, I'm going out on the razz with me mate Molly. And as we all know how much Molly likes to put the beer away, it could be some time before Gail is sober enough to realise what her daughter is doing on-line. Because remember, boys and girls, in cyberspace you can be anyone you want to be. Ah yes, that reminds me, Vera Lynn will be here writing the update next week.

Too-thin Toyah went back to work in the Rovers this week but I think it's more important she gets a pie and some chips down her neck pretty soon. You just have to remember that Anne Malone one, she got that skinny once - and look what happened to *her*.

As Emma puts her feet up and reads Expectant Mum magazine, Curly surprises her with an announcement. He wants to be a stay at home father and a househusband once the baby comes along, feeling that he's missed out on too much of Alice's life when she was growing up. It doesn't take long for Emma to come around to the idea of going back to work to shoot people.

Anthony's wife, Isabelle has died in the nursing home and he's naturally upset, especially as awful Amanda won't let him get involved in the funeral arrangements. Norris reminds Rita this now leaves Anthony flee to mally. Oh no! It's the Consumating Cornershop Conundrum So - will Anthony ask Lita to mally him? Yes or no? Yes or no? Bet now! Bet now! Bet now! Betting ends! Answer: next week.

And finally, just a word about Janice. I mean, we know she's common, we've always known that. But she's plumbing new depths in taste-free living, she really is. Not content with going to Alma's funeral in her denim jacket, she also has the most scary haircut I've ever seen. Who cut it for her? The council?

And that's just about that for this week.
Glenda :-)

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