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Saturday 9 June 2012

Coronation Street Weekly Update - June 11 2007

Corrie weekly updates from 1995, 17 years in 17 e-books
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There are some things that should always come in a pair, like socks and Barlows. Yes, this was the week when Ken and Deirdre got back together after Denise scared Ken out of her flat when she moved in for a kiss on the soft furnishings. Ken heads home with flowers knowing full well that carnations wrapped in cellophane from the garage aren’t what’s needed this time. These flowers are huge, proper, in a bouquet with a ribbon. But when he gets back home, Deirdre’s nowhere to be seen as she’s on the razzle with the girls. It was going to be a quiet night with Eileen but Blanche tags along and then they bump into Doreen and Rita in the pizza place so they all bunch up together and get sozzled on red wine. As the wine flows, Doreen reveals that she’s registered disabled as she’s partially sighted in her right eye, a long story involving a lychee and chopsticks. When Deirdre gets home to find Ken waiting for her, there’s a hug and some tears before he whisks her upstairs for a bit of a cuddle. Blanche has the decency to leave the house, goes outside and looks to the sky to whisper ‘thank you’. Was she talking to God or the upstairs window cleaner? It was hard to know. Ken and Deirdre head for a liquid lunch at the Rovers and sit and hold hands and snog in the snug. It was so romantic, really it was.

Paul Connor dies in his hospital bed with tubes sticking in and out the other end. There’s weeping and wailing amongst the ladies of the streak-free mascara Connor clan and Leanne gets well and truly snubbed by them all. She tries to explain to Liam that she never slept with Paul but Liam throws her out on the Street. Just as he’s closing the door on her and screaming that she’s a dirty little hooker, leggy Kelly walks by and catches it all and then throws it all over the factory floor. Gossip hits the street about Leanne’s line of work and Janice defends her step-daughter by wrestling Kelly on the cobbles. Atta girl, go Janice! go Janice! Steve and Lloyd look on, laying bets on who’ll win. Lloyd reckons it’ll be Kelly and speaks from experience about her mean right hook. Steve drives the Connor clan to the airport as they leave for the funeral in Oireland.

Amber’s revising for her exams in Dev’s shop and he’s proud of her studious attitude to schoolwork. Thinking he’s helping her with her French exam, he throws in a bit of bonjour and a splash of c’est la vie. Amber answers back that her dad has the social skills of a Jack Russell but as she’s speaking in French, Dev just nods and agrees, without a clue as to what she’s just said. David tells Gail he’s not doing any exams “cos I can’t be bovvered”. Gail threatens him that he’ll do those exams, my boy, oh yes he will. And he does, in fact he sails through his GCSE but then sets the exam paper on fire before walking out. I’ve got two words for Gail Platt: child psychologist, dear. Oh, that’s three.

At Bethany’s 7th birthday party the adults are all drinking grown-up pop. Bethany’s in her element wearing her new, pink (do they come in any other colour?) Barbie outfit with make-up on too. Oh yuck. David’s headmaster turns up at the door to tell Gail what David’s just done and gets her to make him sign a behaviour agreement. “It’s ASBO-lite” says Sarah, but David refuses to sign on the grounds that it infringes his human rights.  Gail tells Jason and Sarah that Jase can move into the house to live with Sarah on one condition, that he looks out for David. She reckons David needs a good male role model and Jason could be it. What a dilemma for poor Jason when Gail forces him to make a decision and, er, think.

Eileen starts flirting over the Streetcars switchboard with a new bloke called Pat. We haven’t seen him yet but he’s played by comedian Sean Hughes so he’ll be Irish, so he will. He’ll also be married but Eileen won’t find that out until her heart’s been broken and she’s taken to binge eating chocolate HobNobs as a coping mechanism. Could Jerry Morton make our favourite taxi controller happy again? Well, the two of them have been getting cosy this week as they worked together at the Peacock’s place to get it ready for Claire and Ashley who returned from their jollies on the Isle of Man.

Kirk’s working at the butcher shop and still thinks he’s in with a chance with Fiz, but he’s not. Fiz can’t quite bring herself to break the bad news to Kirk that her relationship with John is growing stronger and so when Chesney finds his sister snogging John on the cobbles, she asks him not to tell Kirk as she wants to break his heart herself. Poor Kirkeh.

And Melanie Morton has been filling in her application form for a job as a lady policeman. She’s fretting about the dodgy past of her granddad as any criminal activity in the family could be hunted down and her chances of joining the force will be shot.

And that’s just about that for this week.

Glenda Young
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