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Saturday 9 June 2012

Coronation Street Weekly Update - January 1 2007

Corrie weekly updates from 1995, 17 years in 17 e-books
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A quick round up of events over Christmas, then…

David Platt got hold of granny Ivy’s diary and surprised Gail at the Christmas dinner table with Ivy’s warblings of when Gail was going to have an abortion when she found herself pregnant with David. As if this news doesn’t curdle the brandy cream on the pudding, the icing on the Christmas cake came when Bill’s wife Maureen walked through the door and the whole flaming pudding crashed to the floor. Audrey took the news well, considering, and let Bill go after Maureen and move back in with Sal and Kev. Meanwhile, over at the Grimshaw’s, a young girl called Emma dumped a baby on the doorstep saying it was a result of a one night stand with Jason and she couldn’t cope with it anymore. Once over the shock, Eileen’s happy playing grandma but Jason’s not best pleased.  Eileen names the baby Holly, perhaps because it’s proving to be such a berry prickly subject for her son.

And so, to New Years…

At the Rovers on New Years Eve there’s a fancy dress night for the staff where they all have to dress up as Stars of the Silver Screen. “Ooh, I love Stan Laurel” coos Michelle to boss Liz who’s right put out as she’s supposed to be Sally Bowles from Cabaret. Michelle’s done up as Kirstin Dunst (and I’m not sure who that is, which proves, officially and unconditionally that I Am Now Getting On A Bit.  This came home to me when our family played the Who Wants to be a Millionaire Interactive DVD on Boxing Day and I couldn’t answer a question about Radio 1. I shall wear my bobbly cardigan and slippers with pride from now on). Anyway, Violet’s dressed as Marilyn Monroe, albeit without the ample bumps and the bits that Marilyn once had, and Sean’s dressed up in chaps as a chap from Brokeback Mountain although Violet wondered if he was from Carry on Cowboy.  So while all the fun and games are going on in front of house where there’s more extras in the Rovers than there ever was in Ben Hur, in the back room Steve sets a seduction scene for Michelle. It’s all rose petals and champagne and Violet’s under instruction to get Michelle in there when the clock strikes twelve. But when it does, in walks Sonny, Michelle’s new fella, and Steve consoles himself with a peck on Eileen’s cheek instead.  She’s not working at Streetcars as Steve’s got Fat Brenda moonlighting from Ladycabs in Levershulme. I think I know her. Anyway, when Vernon finds the back room all deserted but clearly set for seduction he helps himself to champers just as Liz walks in and she assumes he’s set the room up just for her.  Feckless as he is, he doesn’t disabuse her of the notion that it was all his idea. Mind you, when she finds out the truth, she’s back to smoking like a trooper after a few hours off the fags for her new years resolution. 

Frankie left the cobbles this week, another exit in another taxi with another woman’s face streaked with mascara tears. She and Jamie were planning to move to Spain and as she packed her pink Burberry suitcases (what else?) she starts to wonder if Jamie isn’t too bad tempered just like his dad. She decides to go and stay with a mate in Essex instead and Jamie and his half-beard are left alone on the cobbles.  As midnight strikes on the street, Jamie gets a phone call from dad Danny who’s pictured at a party surrounded by what would, in the 70s, have been called dolly-birds, all hair and lips and come-hither glances. Danny tells Jamie he knows that he and Frankie have split. But how does he know? Danny also rings Liam to tell him he’s sold his share of the business but doesn’t say who’s bought it. It’s his brother Paul Connor, but we don’t know that yet. I just read it somewhere.

After the locals collected money for Cilla’s swimming with dolphins fund, she packs and leaves to go on hollider to Florida. As she gets ready to go, she comes clean to them all about having the all-clear on the cancer and says she only lied to get back at Les and Yana. Les is distraught and asks for forgiveness, Fiz is in tears, Yana feels guilty: “I’m sorry Cill. I don’t even like him!” and little Chesney wishes his mum dead for what she’s put them all through.  Doesn’t stop her from up and leaving the lot of them to go to Florida though.

Also this week…
Violet collapses in pain and rings 999. When the ambulance arrives, they rush her straight to hospital followed by a very worried Eileen, Jamie and Sean. Poor Violet’s had an ectopic pregnancy and has lost her baby. 

Janice’s heating packs up in her flat so she has to call out the emergency plumber. He’s a nice fella called Roger who sorts out the heating (there are too many gags here to choose from so I’ll let you pick your own about old boilers, sorting out her plumbing and internal pipes).  He also fixes her dodgy shelf, her shower and her dining room chairs but leaves without fixing a date with the littlest knicker stitcher. Somehow, I think he’ll be back.

And finally this week, Molly has been subliminally altering Jack’s behaviour using dog training techniques. This makes Vera happy as Jack’s even been offering to do the washing up and returns home early from the pub.  So far Molly has taught Jack how to sit, stay, beg and roll over but she hasn’t yet accomplished Vera’s wish to get her hubby upstairs in bed for a bit of rubbing tummies.

And that’s just about that for this week.

Happy New Year!

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