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Monday 11 June 2012

Coronation Street Weekly Update - Aug 8 2005

Corrie weekly updates from 1995, 17 years in 17 e-books
All the wit and warmth of Weatherfield, none of the waffle
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Coronation Street Weekly Updates for the internet since 1995. 

Steve and Tracy take their spat with each other to court, pretending  it's all about custody of Amy and care of their child.  The fella in the middle of the table, is he the magistrate? It's never like this on Judge Judy, anyway, whoever he is he says that as Tracy  won't admit evidence from Steve's DNA test to prove he's Amy's dad, and as she's happily taken £50 a week from Steve since Amy was born, he has to assume that Steve is the dad and  allows him access to his daughter until a further court date in  September.  Later in the Street Steve tries to talk to Tracy but she  throws a wobbly, yells that he's threatening her and runs crying to Deirdre who's in two minds as to whether to believe her psycho  daughter but she knows if she doesn't support her, it'll be the end of playing grandma. Tracy runs back to her solicitor and  Steve is ordered to keep away from Tracy and Amy for 14 days.   Steve knows the only way to get even with Tracy is to play dirty at  her level and later in a packed Rovers he woos her over a pint at  the bar. As she falls for his sweet talk he twists things and tells  her he wants nowt to do  with her and in front of witnesses in the  bar she throws a punch at  him, splitting his lip. He's straight on the phone to the police to  report an assault and Tracy's arrested, cautioned and released in a bad mood.   Steve retreats to  brother Andy's for a few days until things cool down.

Sean gets a job behind the bar of the Rovers and is all a-flutter at  the pumps when Tim the tall vet comes in for a pint. Next day at  work in the factory Sean's all "My Tim this…" and "My Tim that…" but that's nothing compared to the other factory shagnanigans that's gone on this week.  Kelly got to grips with Adam after a night out in town at the weekend and can't wait to tell the girls, and Sean,  at work first thing on  Monday morning. When Mike  finds out he tells  Adam straight:  "Never eat from the same trough as the livestock. You  get your  snout dirty and mud on your feet".  

Fiz falls foul with Kirk at the kennels. He's in his element looking after the puppies: "Say Kirk for Daddy!" and bathing with the dogs but Fiz has had enough especially when Kirk wants her  to take  the puppies to work and keep them warm in her bra.  So when  Kirk's mum calls from Cyprus to say his dad's slipped a discus and needs Kirk there to help at the donkey sanctuary, Fiz is  not best pleased  to be left alone at the kennels.  Will Maria step in to help before Fiz steps in more dog-doo?

At the Rovers, Shelley's still upstairs with her new face hiding old insecurities.  Fred wants Bev to manage the Rovers.  He tells her the place is rudderless, it needs a skipper to steer it as it's veering this way and that. Fred can be quite poetic when he  tries, I say, he could almost be Pam Ayres. 

 "Oh, I wish I'd looked after me pub
The beer and the staff and the grub
Shelley's upstairs in a state
The hot-pot's lost its taste
Oh, I wish I'd looked after me pub"
Anyway, Fred and Bev have dinner at The Clock where Fred does his best to put his assets in her hands and asks her to take over the  Rovers but Bev does her best to get him to give Shelley another  chance.   Old-softy Fred gives in to Bev and says he'll not throw  Shelley out (although if I owned the place she would have been long  out by now) and surprisingly, he didn't ask Bev to marry him while he had a captive audience, although he did admit he were fond.

Talking of being fond, Keith brings Gail a box of fresh veg he's  picked from his garden and offers to plant up her back garden with a  lawn and some shrubs.  David and Sarah joke that Keith's got the  hots for their mother and when he turns up for dinner with a bottle  of wine and freshly picked sweet-peas, Gail starts to wonder just  what his motives are.  When she thinks Keith's making a move, Gail gently but firmly tells him she's not interested. That's when he gently but firmly tells her he's not interested in her  either, it's Audrey he's set his sights on, and he asks her if she  thinks he  stands a fighting chance.  Just what will the  fragrant Mrs Roberts think?

Elsewhere this week on the Street, Emily has a visitor and Norris  isn't happy to have an interloper at the breakfast table disrupting his cosy routine.  And so we meet another new woman on the street, another female name ending in the letter `a', when Freda turns up as Emily's deaf niece - relation to Emily's wonderful nephew Spider as yet unconfirmed.

And finally this week Danny sends Jamie off to Holland and tells  Frankie he's staying overnight in Glasgow at some rag-trade  convention when really he's holed up with Leanne having a mucky  night in a Manchester hotel (I highly recommend this, some of my  best times…. sorry, I digress).  Back to the story, anyway,  Frankie follows Leanne to see what she's up to while her Jamie is  away and rings Danny on his mobile to tell him Leanne has gone into  the hotel and asks him what the best way to flush her out of the  room would be.  He suggests setting off the fire alarm, before he  realises that Frankie is downstairs in the hotel where he's upstairs  with his son's girlfriend.  Frankie sets off the fire  alarm, Danny  stays where he is and Leanne comes downstairs and  gives her a story  about having an interview for a new bar that's  opening in town while  Frankie makes on she was just passing and  came in to see what the  noise was all about.   Leanne heads back to  the room where Danny,  not having had the wisdom of Mike's earlier words, eats with the livestock, gets his snout dirty and has mud on his feet.

And that's just about that for this week.


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