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Sunday 17 June 2012

Coronation Street Weekly Update - Aug 3 1999

Corrie weekly updates from 1995, 17 years in 17 e-books
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It's been a week and a half for poor Alma after finding out that factory girl Linda is the woman who has replaced her in Mike's affections and bed. In true weekly update fashion - again! - Alma storms into the factory to confront Mike. He's on the phone but she cuts him off mid-setence and walks out after hissing at Linda that she hopes they'll both be very happy together. "Flippineck" says Janice. So their secret's out and everyone knows, and not everyone is happy - Deirdre hands her notice in and tells Mike she refuses to work there any longer with Linda getting all high and mighty about the place. Mike tries to get Deirdre to return to the factory and confides in his friend that he doesn't know what he's up to, he doesn't love Linda and feels his world is crashing down around him without Alma. Serves him bloody well right. The other factory girls aren't happy now they've found out Linda is "bumping bits wi'Baldwin" and Linda finds they're all slowly turning against her. Well, anyone who drinks Vermouth in a back street pub is no better than she ought to be anyway.

With her hands on the £2,000 cash, Leanne takes Vikram out to the casino and wastes the whole lot on the roulette table. Yup, all of it. Gone. Even Vikram wonders what she's up to but she tells him she feels cleansed and glad to be rid of the money. Of course, once she sobered up, the regrets set in and she's been moping around the Rovers ever since. Les is aghast that she's wasted the money on herself instead of spending it on her dad to keep him in beer money for a fortnight.

Sally admits to Rita she's feeling jealous of Sharon's relationship with Danny. Rita gets over her temptation to go "well you had your chance and you blew it, ner ner" and offers Sally one of her very well padded shoulders to cry on.

Jack has another attack and Vera is beside herself with worry. There's a very funny scene, so funny that I laughed out loud and the dog thought I was having a heart attack myself and she did what dogs do when they're protecting their owners. She rolled over on her back with all 4 legs in the air, crying. Anyway, Natalie shows Jack how to programme his mobile phone with a speed dial number for the B&B in case he needs to contact Vera in a hurry. Well, Ravi pushes into Jack in the bar and it rings the number on Jack's phone so unbeknown to Jack, the phone speed dials the B&B and Vera overhears his conversation with Ravi when he asks if the corner shop stocks exotic magazines. Then, with Vera's voice booming out of Jack's shirt pocket, he thinks he's hearing angelic voices until he realises what's happened and switches his phone off. Classic.
Natalie is arranging a day out at the races for Street regulars. Jack is keen to go on the day out but Vera tells him he's not going after his last attack. Oh, a lovely young drayman arrived this week in the Rovers and as Natalie gives him the glad eye, Vera yells: "Does he want his docket doing?". A girl can wait a lifetime for a replacement for Charlie Whelan and ladies, I think we have him here in drayman Vinny. Or at least, I think we do. He certainly seemed to look fanciable enough but the hot weather has made my telly reception go all wavy so watching Corrie tonight was like viewing it all through a dream sequence.

Curly asks Nita if she'd like to travel to Cornwall with him on a camping trip to see the eclipse. She's quite keen until she finds out that Spider might be joining them in the tent, then she changes her mind. Meanwhile, Toyah is trying to get to see the eclipse with the lovely Spider but he's keen to spend time under canvas with Nita too. Poor Curly is forced to admit his feelings in a showdown in the Rovers where he's embarassed to death by half of the Street's regulars, into admitting he fancies Nita and is going to Cornwall with her. "You must be in love" says Vera, "You've got that dopey expression on yer face." The lovely Spider is not best pleased. Oh, go on Spider, Toyah still likes you, go on make her day.

Maxine manages to put her pink and fluffy foot well into her big and ungainly mouth when she blasts Ashley's choice of Gary Mallett as best man. She has a rant in the salon about boring Gary, not realising that Judy is under a towel by the basin. Whoops. Judy isn't happy and tells Maxine exactly what she thinks of her. Meanwhile, Gary and Ashley shake hands, stay mates and Ashley now has to look for a new best man.

Maude calls Fred and Ashley for a meeting at 8pm sharp - she tells them she's getting wed! Yes! Maude and Sidney Templeton, a resident at Mayfield court are getting spliced sometime this summer, before Ashley and Maxine's do. Well, well, well.

And that's just about that for this week.

Glenda :-)

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