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Wednesday 13 June 2012

Coronation Street Weekly Update - Aug 19 2002

Corrie weekly updates from 1995, 17 years in 17 e-books
All the wit and warmth of Weatherfield, none of the waffle
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Ken starts writing his bodice-ripper bonk-buster of a column for the Gazette and the editor's so taken with his style that she asks him to write the agony aunt column too. He's enjoying himself heartily as Hermione Fairfax until Wretched of Weatherfield writes in for advice on boyfriend trouble. Deirdre works out that Wretched is Blanche who doesn't know that Ken is Hermione and tells him to pen a reply telling her to get over Archie, there's plenty more fish in the sea (even if they are mainly old trouts at that age).

Mike needs a lady companion to take to a business dinner and he asks Audrey, who's only too happy for a reason to put on a new frock. But then he meets Max's mum Doreen and decides to take her instead, feeling sorry for her after she tells him her tale of infidelity with fellas. At the dinner, Doreen is loud, blonde and vacuous (just like her daughter). Mike's colleague and his wife look on aghast as Doreen starts slagging off her ex-husband after a bit too much sherry. "What would you do if your Ron took a shine to a little miss fancy knickers, eh?" she asks the missus of the colleague before Mike drags Doreen home. When Audrey later finds out that she was dumped for the dinner date for Doreen, she tells Mike in no uncertain terms what he can do with their friendship. And when Doreen finds out that Audrey was dumped to make way for her, she's not best pleased with Mike either. Audrey and Doreen drink in the Rovers together later and make quite a decent comedy pairing, Corrie could do worse than let Doreen move in to Audrey's spare room.

So now then, this Ciaran fella, friend of Peter's, tries it on with Shelley and she's not having any of it. She tells Sunita what's going on and Sunita says she should tell Peter but Shelley's just hoping it'll all blow over and anyway, Ciarian will be gone soon enough. But he tries it on again (and what part of "Get off me", "Don't come near me" and "Go on, get out" didn't he understand?). Shelley tells him she's going to tell Peter but he says if she does that, he'll tell Peter she tried it on with him first, so boo, and then who will Peter believe? Well, she does tell Peter who confronts Ciarian who lies to Peter who tells Shelley it's over who tells Peter she's leaving him anyway if he doesn't trust her. After some tears Shelly needs retail therapy. She goes out and buys herself 3 new bras and 12 pairs of pants and asks Sunita if she can move in with her. Meanwhile, it takes Steve McDonald to make Peter realise that there's no way Shelley would mess him around and that he shouldn't trust the big Irish fella, so he shouldn't, so Peter tells Ciarian to sling his hook, so he does.

I'm sorry but I can't wax lyrical about Nick Tilsley. Maybe I could if I took Adam Ricketts seriously as an actor.... but no. He came back this week for Maria declaring undying love after lying his socks off last week. She falls for it all and her move to Canada looks like it's back on. Needless to say, Gail's got a face like a slapped arse when Nick tells her and the two of them have a huge row.
Yes, Gail and Richard are back from their holider to Florida and Gail gets carried over the threshold - for the third time. But there's bad news all round when the Hillman's find out that the sale of all four flats have fallen through. Yes, there's a Bail Hostel being built right by the flats and the flat buyers have bailed out. "I'm ruined" Richard tells Gail before doing a great bit of emoting straight from the Joey Tribbiani School of Acting.

It's the Rovers 100th anniversary and Fred has a penny a pint promotion. If anyone brings in old pennies, they can have a free pint. Les and Kirk have their stash they conned from Emily and sell the pennies for 50p each. When Fred finds out, he's not best pleased but it's Emily who has the last laugh when Roy points out that the pennies are a rare vintage and worth at least £10 each. A donation to the Friends of Weatherfield Hospital is a-coming. There's a bit of a sing-a-long in the bar as Norris tinkles the ivories. He plays the piano a bit too and it's all gaiety indoors as we spy Shelly croying her oyes out on the street corner. It's what Corrie's always done best, this mix of comedy and tragedy but this time it was about as subtle as a sledge hammer.

And that's just about that for this week.


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