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Monday 11 June 2012

Coronation Street Weekly Update - Aug 1 2005

Corrie weekly updates from 1995, 17 years in 17 e-books
All the wit and warmth of Weatherfield, none of the waffle
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Coronation Street Weekly Updates for the internet since 1995.

This week's update was written by John Dean while Glenda was on holiday. 

Like Scooter, preparing to tell the Magistrate that his preservation work with carp is comparable to Gorillas in the Mist. "I did it for  the fish". "Back to the dock, Henry Fonda," is the Magistrate's  riposte. Gail's appearance as a character witness hits the skids  when the Magistrates recollect she was married to Richard  Hillman. "Not such a good judge of character, then?" queries the  beak. "I am now," squeaks the valiant Gail. Guilty. Fined £100. Next.

Meanwhile, Ea***nders reject Nathan is the object of Joanne's  affection (she of the "oh we can't tell them apart" twins). The  Underworld Gels engineer a date for the pair but Joanne fails to  sparkle and Nathan gives up on her.

Poisonous Tracy tries to provoke Steve into hitting her but fails.  (How? All she needed to do was stand still). And she is less than  pleased when Steve tells her the Police are not proceeding with any  charges related to the "Amy kidnap" story. In fact, she's so unhappy  she even puts her teeth away for 30 seconds, allowing me to remove  the sunglasses for a brief respite. Eileen and Bev and his solicitor  advise Steve to keep a cool head and not let Tracy provoke him. "Do  you think I'm the village idiot?" asks Steve. "Well," points out  Eileen, "you DID impregnate Tracy Barlow." And Tracy is now round  the caff warning Roy and Hayley off any idea of supporting Steve if  they want to see Amy again.

Danny's Mum turns up from Walford after the funeral and the Baldwin family have a good old-fashioned Easten**** knees-up round the  breakfast table. Then while she and Mike are having a walk, she  confesses that Mike is Danny's Dad. I mean. Stone the crows. Stand  on me. Hold up. As Penny says, on hearing the news, "Oh no. Not  another one." Although  Mike points out with some poignancy "I've  fathered three sons and I'm no-one's Dad."

At the court hearing over custody of Amy, Tracy insists Steve is not  the father but Steve's brief puts in a telling Perry Mason  question   "If he's not the father, why have you been accepting  money from him?" (Although if it had been me, my answer would have  been "Because he offered and because I wanted it.") The judge  decides the court will accept that Steve is Amy's father. But Tracy  persuades him that Steve has threatened her so he issues an  injunction preventing Steve from having contact with Amy or Tracy  for the next 14 days. Boo!

Sean decides to turn up at the vets to confront Tim with a bunch of daffs, only to see him getting into a car with another bloke whom he kisses. So the good news for Sean is that Tim seems to be gay and the bad news is he seems to be spoken for.

And after all the suspense, the Big Fight is on. Mad Dog Maddocks  floors Ashley "The Butcher" Peacock after Clare has distracted him.  Mad Dog's girl friend (Mad Bitch) calls Clare a lady boy, a tattoo  with a bloke's face behind it sets about Ashley's supporters and a  full scale riot breaks out. The riot police arrive about 30 seconds  after the first chair is thrown (which is good going, even for  Weatherfield) and the story ends with the two boxers in the ring  being the only people who are NOT fighting each other. They agree to  call it a draw.

Oh, and Fred threatens to sack Shelley. Which cheered me up because  it reminded me my spell on duty here didn't involve watching any of  the ridiculous Charlie / Shelley storyline.

John Dean
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