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Saturday 9 June 2012

Coronation Street Weekly Update - April 10 2006

Corrie weekly updates from 1995, 17 years in 17 e-books
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In all the years I've been writing the weekly update, this week has had the biggest story of the lot. I don't think it was the best and certainly wasn't my favourite, but in media hype terms, they don't come much bigger than this.  Yes, t'was the week when Mike Baldwin died in the arms of Ken on the cobbles.  After he'd been wandering around Weatherfield in his jim-jams and the rain he catches his death of cold, quite literally, with a heart attack brought on by pneumonia.   I was expecting to be moved by Baldwin dying and I was all set for the end of one of soap's great characters with a bottle of wine, box of tissues to soak up the tears and there I was, holding the hand of my favourite person as we watched from our sofa Baldwin croak on the cobbles. But I didn't feel anything and now I'm confused. Am I turning into the hard-hearted harlot I feared I always would? Or is it because it was Baldwin and not say, Betty or Rita, for whose soap send-offs I know I will be in bits?.   Anyway, the grapevine of the Street drops bits of gossip and news so that one by one, the residents all find out that Mike has gone to the great knicker-stitcher in the sky. Deirdre was in tears in the backyard with a fag in her hand while sensitive Jamie blames Danny for Mike's death. Danny wants the reading of the will brought forward before the funeral but little does he know that Leanne's found another version of the will in the flat. And the one that Leanne's found leaves everything to Adam, not Danny.  Janice returned this week and advises Leanne to keep quiet about this second will in the hope that Danny will inherit the flat, the Spanish villa, the way of life that Mike once had and that strumpet Leanne thinks she now deserves.  Adam also returned from Scotland with a tan and a mad haircut that makes him look like a young Incredible Hulk.

Away from the hype, elsewhere on the street Norris decides to place a lonely hearts ad in the paper and try to find lurve.  He even persuades Rita to get a computer for the Kabin so he can log on in the hopes of uploading his profile.  When Rita finds out what he's been using the computer for, she decides to have a bit of fun and responds to his lonely hearts ad  under a pseudonym, suggesting they meet for dinner at The Clock. She has to have help from Ken to work the PC, but soon gets the hang of it and turns into not so much a Silver Surfer, more of a Big-red Boogie Boarder. Well,  Norris is done up all dapper but Rita's stitched him up like a kipper and he's not best pleased when he finds out it's Rita that's been emailing him.  The two of them stay and have dinner together and Norris confides that he's lonely and wants a companion. Rita tells the Kabin cutie that she'll stop poking fun and help him seek out a special lady to take his mind off stationery and stamps.

Vernon's new singer Michelle is causing some ruffles for Liz 'pimp my clothes' McDonald.  "Those legs have got ambition" she sniffs at Bev over the bar at the Rovers as she eyes up Michelle chatting to her Vern.  When Liz finds out that Vern and Michelle have been dropped off a flat together by one of the Streetcabs, she assumes the worst and goes round there to see just what's going on. What she finds is Vernon looking at a flat that Michelle's estate agent brother had recommended for Vernon - and Liz.  "Would you do me the great honour…" proposes Vernon to a startled Liz. "Of becoming my flat-mate?"  "I will" she replied and they would have lived happily every after but Liz tells him she doesn't actually like the flat and so they start hunting for one of their own together.  Bev isn't amused and tells Liz what she thinks of Vernon, in a roundabout, kind of subtle, not in so many words, sort of a way, as only a seasoned old barmaid can do. Talking of barmaids, one of the tabloids reckons that Liz McDonald will be taking over the Rovers when Shelley leaves this summer with the bloke of her dreams.  I've wanted Liz to take over the pub for a long time and this is great news indeed, to me anyroad, that she'll be given a more central role on the Street.

And as the Baldwin storyline has taken most of the week to unravel itself and it'll dominate the coming weeks with the will and the funeral, there's little left to say this week.  Kelly's mate Becky is starting to turn nasty at Underworld when she thinks Joanne's getting too friendly with Kel.  And Tyrone's holding back from a more physical relationship with Molly, who's keen as mustard for a bit of rumpeh-pumpeh but Tyrone's worried she'll find him monstrous in the nuddy.  He seeks advice from Jack while Vera mollifies Molly.

And that's just about that for this week.

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