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Monday 11 June 2012

Coronation Street Weekly Update - April 25 2005

Corrie weekly updates from 1995, 17 years in 17 e-books
All the wit and warmth of Weatherfield, none of the waffle
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Sean's broke so isn't best pleased that Eileen's landlord is upping the rent. Desperate for funds, he starts a part-time  evening job where he gets to play with balls and wear a purple  sparkly jacket four nights a week.  As bingo caller down at the  Alhambra, it's an ideal job for Sean.  "I feel like I've come home" he says and then clickety-clicks with the bouncer.  The factory girls show Sean some support on his first night but when  both Fiz and Eileen win, Vera's not happy.  She reckons Sean's fixed the numbers and when she won't stop shouting about the unfairness of it all, Vera's flung out by the manager,  along with her lucky knitted bingo Sir Cliff Richard doll mascot.  Vera's fuming again the next night when Violet wins and she causes another scene about how Sean's fixing the numbers for his  mates.  The manager, all pork scratchings, greased hair and dandruff, has no choice but to throw Vera out, but not before confiscating her golden bingo balls.

Audrey sacks Candice from the salon for being cheeky, rude and lazy so Candice decides to make the most of this opportunity to turn her life around and become a telly weather girl instead.  But when Audrey finds her doing haircuts in the flat until she hits the big time,  she gives Candice a storm warning and evicts her from the flat.  Candice moves in with Warren's family where there's relative warmth and humidity and she considers a change of name to help her in her career - Gale Warning, April Showers and Sunny Intervals are suggested.  Candice publicises her career aspirations by ringing the Weatherfield Gazette who print her story on page 27 but only because she's the girlfriend of a minor league footballer.  In the Rovers, Leanne laughs at Candice's plans to get  on the telly then suffers from poor visibility when she gets a pint thrown at her in an easterly direction from Candice.  Danny tells Warren he wants Candice out of the house as soon as she gets a new job.

Martin's in tears at Gail's and Angela's in tears in prison when Katy dies. The news filters to the Rovers by way of a text message to Violet.  Blanche makes Tracy promise that when her time is up, she wants the honour of having the news spread by good old fashioned telephone, preferable Bakelite, and by the wagging of tongues not the bleeping of texts. Hayley visits Angela in prison and finds out the truth about Katy which she passes on to everyone back on the street.  The funeral's quiet with only Martin, Hayley and Violet there from the cobbles along with Angela in handcuffs,
her dad and Craig.   When it's time for the ashes to ashes, funk to funky bit, Angela blames Martin for everything that's happened and has to be restrained by the prison officer attached to her wrist.

Fred's still having tummy troubles after drinking water from the well in Audrey's garden.  He has the water tested by a fellow square dealer but it's bad news for Fred and Audrey when the results come back in.  It turns out the water isn't from a well after all,it's an old sewer pipe that's under Audrey's house – and the water from it once spread cholera and typhoid around the Weatherfield streets.  Now that Fred's not buying into waterworks, he'll not beneeding to sell the Rovers, I say he'll be keeping the pub. Shelley's heartbroken when she hears the news the first time, I say, never mind the second time.  Charlie blames her for not acting quick enough to secure the sale and says it's her own fault she's missed out on buying the pub. Yes, Charlie; Of course, Charlie; You're right Charlie; Sorry Charlie, she whimpers.

Ken and Deirdre return from honeymoon and Deirdre's given up the fags as a wedding present to Ken - and herself. "I've got a nicotine patch on this arm and a HRT patch on the other." she moans.  Steve and Tracy get together this week and play happy families although Blanche reminds her granddaughter they haven't  been on a proper date yet and advises her to be alluring, mysterious and to keep her hand on her ha'penny.  And so, a date is fixed.  Tracy's at Steve's flat and he leaves while she sorts out Amy in the nappy department.  When Steve leaves the flat he locks Tracy inside and she hasn't got a key and her phone battery's gone
flat,so while Steve's waiting at the Clock for their big date, Tracy's sitting on Steve's stairs with Amy, eating Rusks.  Happy as Steve seems in his new relationship, Tracy remains the same sad Street psycho so he'd do best to think on.

The Websters return from holiday.  Sophie gets her guinea pig back from Chesney, Kevin finds Nathan working in his garage and Sally's head explodes when Ian walks into the garage followed by wife Justine booming: "Go on then, admit you've had an affair with her!".  It's the temp she's talking about, not Sally, and feckless Ian tells the temp to pack her bags and leave. Sally keeps quiet, too shocked to say anything.

Chesney's missing his mum and Les who are living la vida loca in Espana por favour without him and he mopes by  the phone hoping Cilla will ring (she doesn't).  Roy helps Chesney with his maths homework in the cafĂ©, it's Venn diagrams and he explains them with the help of the salt cellar, a vinegar bottle and a packet of salt and vinegar crisps.  I wish someone had explained things that way to me, I could never get my head round maths, still can't, so just be thankful this isn't the weekly hard sums update.  Later, Roy and Hayley find Chesney on th'internet at the flat, trying to book a flight to Spain using Roy's credit card.  Chesney says he feels he doesn't belong anywhere, he's in a Venn diagram all of his own.  Roy cuts out pictures of the Croppers and makes a special Venn diagram with Roy and Hayley on each side and Chesney in the middle.

There's been far too little corner shop action for a few weeks so no sightings of Tunnocks to report. 

And that's just about that for this week.

By Glenda Young , writer of Coronation Street Weekly Updates for the internet since 1995.

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