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Wednesday 13 June 2012

Coronation Street Weekly Update - Apr 21 2003

Corrie weekly updates from 1995, 17 years in 17 e-books
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Right then, cast your mind back to last week's tense hostage situtation at the Nelsons as gun shots ring out, someone screams, the police look nervous and Katy's in a coma. The police and Angela burst into the living room as one of the baddies does a runner out the back.  "Lie down on the floor" yells the copper to the other baddy "Cross your legs and put your arm behind your back".  Not an easy move, I know, I do it in yoga every Tuesday. Tommy's shoulder's shot after he's been shot there with shot and gets rushed off to hospital. Both father and daughter make the expected recovery under the watchful eye of the Weatherfield weapons inspector, Nurse Platt.  Mind you, there was some good acting from all of the Nelson clan, apart from that Katy, I'm not that keen on her but the others were fab. When the copper tells Angela that both baddies have been rounded up and sent to prison, she decides to take her family off the witness protection programme.  Fed up with having to lie to friends and nieghbours, the Nelsons breathe a familial sigh of relief only to have the wind knocked out of their sails when Sally goes all Daily-Mail, ranting on about how they could have got someone killed with their secrets and what-not.

Roy's unhappy that Hayley kept the Nelson's secret from him but although he's clearly hurt he tells Hayley sweetly and understandingly: "You were a true, steadfast friend when she needed you". You just have to love him, really, you do. If it wasn't for that anorak, I could fancy him meself. Oh, and that hair cut of course. And the stoop. And the fact he's tee-total. And already married.  But apart from that, well. 

Someone in the Rovers did take a shine to Roy this week, although it was all done for a (slightly cruel, I thought) laugh.  Bev holds court in the Rovers with Deirdre, Karen, Fiz and Shelley and imparts her barmaid wisdom. She reckons you can tell a lot about a man from what he drinks in a bar (true - real ale is ok as long as they're not wearing sandals - with socks; think lager think lout; avoid cocktail drinkers unless you want a brittle repressive and as for tee-totallers? You wouldn't drink either if you had what they had - not enough money to buy a proper round).  Anyway, Bev reckons she can pull any bloke in the bar and bets she'll get a kiss from the next man to walk through the door of the Rovers. Of course it's Roy, out to buy Hayley a bottle of wine to celebrate their 4th wedding anniversary (doesn't time fly? I remember it all so well but then of course, well, that's a whole other story and I'm not allowed on the Lambrini tonight so I can't get all giddy and tell you).  Try as she might, Bev gets nowhere with Roy.  She flatters him and she flutters her eyelids, puckers up and tells him she's lonely. "Have you thought of getting a dog?" he opines before scuttling back to Hayley for their anniversary dinner in the cafe where "Tulips from Amsterdam" gently plays in the background.

Anyway, with Bev on good form at the bar,  it calls for that Corrie tradition (and no one writes Corrie tradition better than Daran Little) - a girls only lock-in after hours.  Karen's in tears, Janice is on the table singing into her shoe, Maria's being stroppy and eventually gets sacked, Shelley's trying to please everyone and Bev and Deirdre get depressed over daughters. So when they all join in the chorus of "I will survive" you just know it makes sense.  

What didn't make sense was Tracy inviting Shelley and Peter to Dev's flat for Sunday dinner this week but nay, it were done. Tracy and Shelley get merry on the after-dinner sherry as Dev and Peter stare daggers at each other across the dining table.  "Do you know" says Shelley "When Peter said we were coming here for us dinner, I said to him, I said Peter, I said, I'd rather gouge out me own eyes. But do you know? It's not been that bad".  Tracy tells Shelley she thinks Dev's about to pop the question.  ("Why are you such a vindictive little cow?" would be a good place for him to start popping).  

Eileen's not having such a good week mind you.  Young Todd's been missing in action for the last two weeks, showing Sarah Platt his weapon of mass destruction.  Now it's Jason's turn to disappear when he tells Eileen he wants to spend more time with his dad.  This was a cracking scene, it was just amazing and my partner, who shall remain nameless to save any embarassment, was in tears at this point, weren't you Barry?  It was excellent stuff, highly charged with Jason calling his mother (his mother!) a whore (a whore!) and Eileen giving Jason the slap across his face he so richly deserved.  Now then, I'm probably going to get loads of updates returned this week after various bits of politically correct computer software (there's nothing worse than PC-PC) works itself up into a lather and bounces back the update because it's got a swear word in it.  Well, bollocks to that.

And finally this week Gail, Audrey and David returned from Canada.  Gail's in shock and awe as Vera berates her for stealing her life savings and then she finds out from Eileen that Todd's been living with Sarah while she's been away.  Much yelling and angst in which the phrase "not while you're living under my roof" made an appearance and Gail denies the star crossed lovers to ever meet again until the end of time, the twelth of never or Sarah's exams, whichever is soonest.  Todd has a quiet word with Mrs H on the street and manages to convince her he isn't some fly by night johnny come lately.  Gail smiles and tells him to come for his tea. All's well that end's well.

And that's just about that for this week.


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