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Thursday 14 June 2012

Coronation Street Weekly Update - Apr 10 2001

Corrie weekly updates from 1995, 17 years in 17 e-books
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Tests prove positive for Ashley this week - but still not for Maxine which is probably just as well - would you want the fluffy Mrs P for a mother? Ashley's winning sausage is declared 100% meat, proving that it's not the vegetarian impostor that Fred declared it to be. But it takes a few days for Fred and Ashley to get over their hurt pride before they make up in the Rovers, as you always knew they would, with Fred beaming at Ashley as he tells him: "I'm proud of you, dammit, I'm proud."
Unable to contain his feelings over Sally's upcoming nuptials, Kev declares his love for his ex-wife and embarrasses the pair of them. Sally stands firm and tells him straight as he tries to cop a snog on the kitchen table: "I don't want this and I don't want you. Not now, not ever." Well, that told him then. And then, in a major sulk, he gets drunk then goes missing. No one's seen him for a while and the girls wonder if he's ill. "Is he purly?" they ask. "He's never purly'" replies Sally but she does get concerned for his whereabouts and wonders if he's with Natalie or thereabouts. Danny's well cheesed off that Sally still cares for her ex and even Gail tells her friend to get over it and get on with it.
Tyrone and Jason need help to get their money back from Ryan over the dud CD players they've bought in good faith. But Ryan's not having it, at least, that is, until Dennis gets involved. Reminding us that although he might have a heart of gold, he's also got a fist of steel, he pins Ryan against a wall and demands the lads, money back. And he gets it too, which is not surpassing as he was rather scary. But he's still soft enough for Eileen to throw her chips at him in a pique of rage, telling him never to go behind her back again to offer money to her son without her knowledge. So how's Ryan going to get to this training camp in Lanzarote without any cash? Eileen hits on a plan when Audrey comes canvassing for votes for the upcoming elections (that's elections, dear). Talking to the public in her best telephone voice, Audrey declares her preferred canvassing style to be that of "one to one contact with the man in the Street" as if we didn't know already, before Eileen grabs her and makes her promise a council donation to Jason's running fund.

Sunita stands up to her parents over this arranged marriage business. As they leave her alone in the shop with Dev, they tell their daughter "you are no longer a part of our family". Dev offers her a job in the corner shop which takes Deirdre away from the drudgery of the shop floor and elevates her to management level, and mightily pleased she is too. In fact, she's grinning like a schoolgirl when Dev tells her "Just remember, Deirdre, in your capable hands, the Alahan empire stands or falls." Dev even affects Audrey, leaving her almost speechless with his sexlicious shopkeeper act and she flitters out of the shop, saying to Sunita: "Ooooh... isn't he loveleh?". Oh yes, indeed he is.

Before Norris goes out delivering his census forms, he takes advice from Edna on restless legs and arthritis, both topics on which she is an expert, of course. She regales him with horror stories of bad veins and Dolly Schofield from the Star and Garter and Norris starts to wonder if his legs are up to all this walking around that he's going to have to do. Emily comes up with a plan to help Norris deliver all those leaflets and provides him with a shopping trolley that's squeaky and old. (Am I the only one looking forward to filling in my form...? Go on, help me out here, tell me I'm not really that sad. Or perhaps I am).

Fred's found a new lady friend, I say, a new woman that he's met in the Turk's Arms, a pub he's started frequenting after boycotting the Rovers when Duggie doubled crossed him. There's a barmaid there, Eve, he's getting along with pretty well and the pair of them seem well suited. But how much longer will it be before he finds out she's the mother of a certain Linda Baldwin and a certain lad that held him hostage in Frescho a while ago.

Talking about Linda, she's re-joined this week by hubby Mike and step-son Adam who return from their jolly in Florida. She's sat on the sofa ordering some gold-plated TAT from QVC on SKY with her gold-plated credit card just as the two guys come home. Mike's overjoyed with the way the holiday went, especially as Adam has taken to calling him dad'.

Toyah's having a tough time of it in the Rovers, what with Peter watering the scotch so he can drink it himself and Duggie not giving a damn about her as either his employee or housemate. She's expected to put up with card schools in the back room, Duggie's mates leching at her and covering for Peter who's drinking the profits. When she bumps into Phil Simmonds in the Kabin this week, even he snubs her for fraternising with Duggie (who's the enemy, in his eyes) and it seems no one has a kind word for her these days. Unfortunately, worse is yet to come for Toyah, much worse, next week and I've already written to Granada to express my disappointment and sadness that they're going to use violence and rape (again) to boost ratings. And if you agree with me, I urge you to do the same. I'm not an anorak, honest I'm not, I've never written to Granada or anyone else before in relation to anything I've ever seen on the telly. But when we know that Corrie is battling against Eastenders for ratings, I believe it's sinking far, far too low to use such a storyline.

And that is just about that for this week. I'm pleased to report that the man with the piles is all sorted.

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